Lovecraft Bar NYC opened this past weekend at 50 Avenue B at East Fourth Street. As the name suggests, it's an homage to horror writer H.P. Lovecraft.
Per the bar's Facebook description:
This place is great for LOVECRAFT fans, fans of steampunk, lovers of local art, lovers of live music, and of course lovers of great food and good drinks.
Dangerous Minds put it this way: "[It] looks like the perfect place to eat, drink and discuss all things Cthulhu. The eldritch interior design and artwork was created by artist Benjamin Enzfelder, and he has certainly given the bar a great Lovecraftian atmosphere."
EVG reader Thomas Anomalous stopped by this weekend and shared these photos.

[This image via Facebook]
The cocktail menus feature an original pulp fictiony designs...

There's also a subterranean bar and stage that will feature acoustic performances on Thursday evenings.

The food service launches next week. Lovecraft will hold an official grand opening next month.
Affaire closed here last August. Previously, the space was home to the unpopular-with-neighbors China 1 club-restaurant combo.
By Yog-Sogoth, I'm there!
yeah the crappy Blues bands they book here are SO Lovecraftian!
gimme a break!
this is a truly retarded failed copy of Portland Lovecraft Bar but at least they don't book barbecue music!
they are aware of goth and black metal... these nyc tools, they are clueless.
I blame True Detective for this.
I love this place!!!
H.P. Lovecraft was a KKK style racist. Is this a racist bar? 'On the Creation of Niggers'
by H. P. Lovecraft 1911
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Creation_of_Niggers
Lame. Try something original. Stealing a concept and name from an already established bar that has put in the work and received numerous accolades is just lazy theft. The Lovecraft bar in Portland is nearly five years old and already well established! Good job being late to the game and riding their coattails.
Sigh - just because there is a bar on the other side of the country named Lovecraft doesn't man this place is copying it. But who knows, maybe it is - why do you care? Do you really think anything is original today? Will it add something unique to the neighborhood is what I care about. Not what frequent fliers bemoan because they've see it before someplace else.
Jeez Raymond Johnson, spoil the short stories for me!
Do you know how many Shakespeare Pubs exist? I counted 9 via google maps on the east coast alone. Wasn't Lovecraft a famous writer?
Lovecraft was a famous writer? How can you complain that the name was stolen from Portland? How many Shakespeare Pubs and Bars are around the world alone? I just looked at the Portland page, and I'm SOO thankful thats not what we have here in LES. I went here last night and it was BEAUTIFUL on the inside. It was like being in one of his stories. I'm so happy we have something good in here after how awful Affair was!
Portland is 52 hours away lol I think you're fine. And it sounds like you this is a literary bar, not a goth bar. (thank god)
I have a question. Why does a bar that celebrates H.P. Lovecraft have on its promotion image, The Invisible Man, an H.G. Wells character? BTW, H.G. Wells has a famous anti-semitic caricature in the War the Worlds, the rout of mankind description, the "bearded, eagle-faced man" clutching a valise full of gold, who is run down by a carriage when his bag spills open and he tries to recover his wealth.” And a Tekeli-li to you all.
Acoustic performances... the horror, the horror.
Shut up.
Anyone who has ever been to Portland -- and that includes the ones is Oregon and Maine -- knows no one in New York City much less the EV would ever be caught dead stealing anything from Portland just to bring it here. This place looks very cool, which should be the first clue that it has nothing to do with anything from either Oregon or Maine.
The Oregon Portland came way after Portland, Maine.
Revealed! Writer HP Lovecraft attracts nitpicking super-nerds! Full story in future comments!
Maybe the owners of the Portland bar are involved with the NYC version...just a thought.
Just biting the icon that is 'Lovecraft'. Shameful and shabby. This place has ZERO to do with HPL except for stealing the name and cache.
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