Saturday, August 2, 2014

In honor of Summertime on Avenue A

Once again just noting the new roll-down gate art at Mikey Likes It, the newish ice cream shop at 199 Avenue A near East 12th Street.

The Will Smith mural is in honor of this month's Flavor of the Month: "Summertime (tropical lemonade) dedicated to The Fresh Prince and possibly the greatest summer song ever, Summertime."


July and George Michael…

June and Prince…

September will be dedicated to Mr. Mister. KIDDING. But that would be strangely funny. Kind of.


  1. Mikey is charming and the product is great. Old school hot time summer in the city; Grievers splurge on the calories and support this guy. The rent is probably damning and his season is short.

  2. I second Bayou’s opinion of Mikey as well.

  3. these are awseome!!! how did I miss the george michael month though?!? curses!!!

  4. These murals are so great! Who is the artist?


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