[Photo on East 10th Street via Bobby Williams]
The Daily News has a report on last night's rally for Michael Brown … where participants marched through parts of the East Village to Union Square.
According to reports, the NYPD arrested a man on East 10th Street between Avenue C and Avenue D. To the News:
NYPD cops beat a man Wednesday night during a solidarity protest for Michael Brown, a video shows, although the circumstances surrounding the attack remained unclear early Thursday.
When asked for a comment on the video, police said the man was taken into custody on E. 10th St. near Ave. D, issued a C-summons for disorderly conduct and then released. They described his actions before the violent encounter as "tumultuous behavior."
The Daily News has the full 46-second video here.
Updated 12:04 p.m.
OK, here's the video the Daily News has via Facebook…
Post by Aminah Mae.
Previously on EV Grieve:
#HandsUp #TurnUp rally winding through the East Village; report of one arrest
I removed the Vine clip during the update…
I'm surprised everyone doesn't fall down with epileptic seizures with all those fucking flashing lights.
The man was arrested for "tumultuous behavior?" That's one temper-tantrum short of a thought crime. And I thought demonstrations were supposed to exhibit some tumultuous behavior.
The Daily News has a 45 second clip; OK, but by no means does this clip give any indication about what prompted this incident.
1 arrested is better than 2 or 3 etc..the cops are probably trying to make sure that no riots or looting takes place. They had a good grasp on the situation and for the most part, it ended peacefully.
I had a bird's eye view of the march. The police presence was IN-SANE. Approximately 25 offers on foot, 15 police cars bringing up the rear, and 10 scooters buzzing about. There were about 200 marchers. The message was clear: don't even think about doing anything that even touches the line, or we will swiftly crush you.
Why are we marching on this issue anyway? It certainly is an important one, but a protest march against a police force's actions in a St. Louis suburb? One trick pony.
What happens when kkkops are given military gear and military training?
They stop acting like peace/police officers and become an invading/occupying army that treats civilians like the Viet Cong.
This is a NATIONAL issue -- Ferguson IS New York City!!
These arrests are entirely unjustified, when mayor sharpton gets a chance to review them, no doubt charges will be dismissed.
From what I saw, police were very aggressive with marchers who stepped off the sidewalk however the March made up of a large amount of students along Ave A was going peacefully. All that changed when 4-5 officers took down one marcher hard by 3rd/A. Then the police must have called for assistance because 5-10 minutes later helicopters and over a dozen squad cars arrived and began following the marchers with the police getting much more heavy handed by the minute
Just in time a warm up to Labor Day weekend..riot squad riot squad conna call the riot squad....
The crowd also got a lot more crazy and spilled onto the 3rd and 4th street between 1/A -- ignoring the police telling folks to stay on the sidewalk. At one point the officers tried to drive a squad car through the crowd as a few protestors started jumping on top of parked cars
From what i understand they only arrested the delivery guys from Seamless who were charged with ripping off small mom and pop shops and for disorderly online content.
"We" are marching because police have been acting like this all over the country, targeting people of color, instigating incidents and using excessive force. Heard of Eric Garner?
Their were 15 people shot in NYC this past weekend and it was all civilian on civilian.
A rally/demonstration for Mike Brown but not Eric Garner, too?
FUUUCK these "protestors".
why would protesters jump on top of cars??. would you like an idiot jumping on top of your car?. did the car do anything? thank god for the police. they keep the protesters on check. we wouldnt like them to start looting. theres nothing wrong with protesting but it has to be done in an orderly manner. the big police presence was to prevent any protesters from getting out of line hence "a few protestors started jumping on top of parked cars" ...and then you ask why are they being arrested.. dont shit where you eat.
this thread seems to suggest the NYPD intentionally started stirring up
shit - a common tactic used to provoke, and subsequently villify otherwise peaceful protestors...
Will mayor sharpton be reviewing these questionable police tactics? One certainly hopes so.
"Anonymous said...
Will mayor sharpton be reviewing these questionable police tactics? One certainly hopes so.
August 22, 2014 at 6:36 AM"
Somebody already spammed this stupid "joke" earlier. It wasn't funny then and it's still not funny now.
I'm sure that joke will be a hit when you forward it to your conservative great-uncle.
My question is simple: How can one exercise freedom of speech in NYC or anywhere in the US?
If you start speechifying on a street corner or in a park, at some point you'll be carted off for disturbing the peace.
And if you join a demonstration, you will face police intimidation, in a martial environment that practically invites escalation.
I just don't get it. Aren't we supposed to be free in this country?
Be free to speak your mind. Not jump on top of cars. Destroying property is a crime. acting a fool and disrupting a peaceful assembly is also a crime.
9:55, hey I do think that is a pretty funny line. The fact that the mayor of a great city like NY can be observed ceding leadership and moral authority to the likes of Al Sharpton, and more than once in his short tenure so far, is the kind of tragic-comic stuff that calls for either humor or tears, or both.
Perhaps we can each decide for ourselves what is funny, without your advice from a-high.
The fact is diblasio has been exposed as being weak. After 20 years Al and his ilk now know they can do as they please. Its not a joke. Perhaps you really don't understand the changes that are coming. Bowery Boogie has reported on the uptick in super aggressive bums and street violence. Perhaps when this starts to impact more and more clueless liberal anti cop idiots then you'll understand. Were going back to the 80s . Brace yourselves
"Were going back to the 80s"
I can't fucking wait. See ya at Save The Robots, Beulah Land, King Tut's Wah Wah Hut and Mr Naturals.
See ya there, Crazy Eddie... First round's on me.
I can't even begin to respond to the inane comments offered by others here... Just - "NO - we're not free here" I saw enough brutality and aggression at the protests I have been to over the years and now see how the general public has been groomed to respond just like the government want you to... Sad.
I welcome a return to the 80's. Of course all the tattooed and bearded carpetbaggers who have infested our streets have no idea what we're talking about.
Hey, who was this parade for anyway?
Super Aggressive Bums would be a great name for a band, no?
People could nickname them SABs. Or SupAggBums (soup agg bums) LOL.
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