Tuesday, August 5, 2014

NYPD looking for information about a sexual assault on East 9th Street in June

These posters have been going up around the neighborhood the past few days.

The poster describes a sexual assault that occurred on East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue in the early morning hours of June 20.

The NYPD describes the suspect as a Hispanic male, 25-35 years old, 5-7 to 5-9 and between 220-250 pounds.

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.


  1. Activates memories of how things like this were handled in the horrible abusive victim-blaming 70s when I first lived in the then-horrible 9th Precinct. I am very glad they've changed. I am so so sorry for the victim but I am glad at least that she lives in a society where police and others are mobilized to support her and to catch and punish her attacker. And to protect other people from him of course.

    Once an awful thing has happened it has happened, but the extent to which you are affected by it going forward has so much to do with whether or not the people around you show you that they want you to be protected. Virginia Kelley

  2. What the hell took so long for the posters to get out there?

  3. If that guy is about 5'8" as the description states, and that is him in the picture, they need to seriously downsize the estimated weight of 220-250 that they are providing. Nowhere near that big, maybe 205 or so, tops.

  4. i noticed the same thing moe. someone less than 6 feet tall and over 200 pounds is going to be shaped like a bowling ball.

  5. Can we please stop nit-picking about every little thing like misspelled words or hi
    'His height doesn't match his weight' ? Geez....look at the guy in the picture and if you see him....call the police....

  6. Let's see there billyboy, a description for a rape suspect goes out that appears to grossly overstate his weight by 50 pounds or more, rendering it largely useless, and a couple folks think to mention this discrepancy, perhaps draw attention to the problem and get it straightened out.

    Yes, nit-picking for sure.

  7. surveillance surveillance everywhere and all the pictures suck.

  8. I'll nitpick too. What took the 9th so long? Were they double checking to make sure it wasn't one of their own?

  9. So if I am raped they won't put out any info on this for 2 months later? And why didn't we have anything in the news or otherwise about this? When it's too late I guess.

  10. Thank you grieve.

  11. Seems to be that over the last few months there has been more of this type of attacks maybe a awareness day to try to help...

  12. To continue the nit picking, I would like to nit pick some comments: This category of crime is investigated by the Manhattan Special Victims Squad . The poster would be created by MSVS not the 9th Pct.
    As for the description, it is possible that is was provided by a witness or victim. Accurate or not, if it was provided by a witness or victim that is what the investigator writes down.
    As for the delay in creating poster, only the investigator can answer that. If the crime was captured on camera, cameras in the vicinity are checked. Proper investigations take time, every case is different has no set time frame. An investigator has to do a thorough investigation and be sure that a picture of a passerby is not incorrectly listed as " Wanted"

  13. There are similarly styled posters on 11th street between A and B, apparently referring to a separate incident but unclear if an altogether separate suspect.


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