Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mobil lot partially boarded up on Avenue C

The Mobil station on Avenue C and East Houston abruptly closed at the beginning of the month.

And now workers have put up plywood ... around just part of the property...

... that will one day yield to a 9-story mixed-use building. Plans call for 45 residential units and 4,550 square feet of commercial space.

Until then, this former station will likely make for another fine canvas.

Previously on EV Grieve:
How much longer will the East Village have gas stations?

The Mobil on Avenue C is still going strong — for now

You have a little longer to get gas on Avenue C

Plans filed for new 9-story building at site of Mobil station on East Houston and Avenue C

State seizes Mobil station on Avenue C and Houston for nonpayment of taxes

The last gas station in the East Village has closed


  1. nothing says the end of the world like an abandoned gas station. If you are making a home made or low budget zombie movie I think we just found you a great shooting location.

  2. Better film now. This is going to become camp crusty very soon.
    Super affordable housing.


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