A 35-year-old woman walking home from her shift at the Mini Thai Cafe was reportedly held up at knifepoint early this morning on Avenue A and East Ninth Street.
According to the Post:
The man whipped out a small knife and threatened her, cops said.
“Give me everything, or I’ll kill you!,” he said, according to police sources.
The woman struggled with the thief and got a cut on her arm in the scuffle, cops said.
The thief managed to swipe the victim’s Marc Jacobs purse with her Donna Karan wallet, $300 in cash and her iPhone, cops said.
There's not much of a description of the suspect via the Post, just — "6-feet-tall and in his 30s, fled on foot in a pair of blue jeans."
Updated 9-2
DNAinfo reports that the robbery took place outside 405 E. Sixth St., near First Avenue, about 5 a.m.
They must pay great wages at Mini Thai Cafe.
So the perp must've been a white male?
Blue jeans…huh. Were they Levi's or Calvin Klein?
A neighbor of mine on 6th St. said she was robbed at knifepoint on corner of 6th and 1st Ave. This was around 4am, she said. Sounds like the same guy. My neighbor immediately reported her incident to the police. Hopefully the collected experiences will help catch the guy.
seriously?! A working woman gets robbed at knife point and you want to snark about how much money she makes that she can afford a hand bag? that's low.
I was thinking the same thing or more likely she is the owner of the place.
Your neighbor should have the police get a sketch artist to draw a rendition.
There are security cameras at businesses up and down Avenue A so hopefully the cops will be able to release an image of this guy soon.
Even the NYPOST is forced to exclude the color of a perps skin in their descriptions, in deference to the highly refined sensibilities of the Reverend Al. Surely the NYTIMES will soon be excluding the gender of the perps, so as not to offend the transgendered community.
What a world, eh?
Another reason for urban women to carry a nice ladylike 38.
I've been to that restaurant. Good people. Hopefully they catch the perp
This is a comment based on the response from others. Who the fuck cares how much money she makes or what she is wearing or what items she carried? She was assaulted. It is somehow her fault? It is a frightening and sick crime.
I hope she is doing better. Perhaps they will catch the desperate prick who did this; what piece of shit does this? It signifies no matter how safe we believe NYC to be, events of this nature happen, jolting us out of our comfort zone, and to be cognizant of those around us.
well said anonymous at 7:52! if I buy a hand bag do I deserve to get mugged?
When did the racist posters from the daily news website start posting here or have they been all along and their posts have just not been making the cut until now?
Mini Thai closes at 12:30 AM. How is it that she was walking home from her shift at 5:30 AM? Perhaps she went out after work and was robbed after going to a bar? I'm not trying to place blame but instead am trying to point out a fishy story and/or report.
If there were cops walking the beat 12-8am instead of sitting on their asses in the safety and comfort of their patrol cars and precincy maybe this mugging wouldn't have occured.
There is NO EXCUSE for there not to be a cop walking each street from 14th down to 1st (two cops on Houston for fifteen beat cops total) and three patrol cars going up and down two avenues each (1st-2nd, A-B, C-D) plus two more cars patrolling 3rd/Bowery and generally.
The purpose of the police releasing a description of a person wanted in connection with the commission of a crime is the hope that someone who may have observed that person, either before or after the event, may come forth with helpful information. That is why the clothing worn, the height, weight, apparent age, etc., are always presented in the description so far as they are known.
The politically-correct business these days of not including the race of the wanted party is very obviously counter-productive to the possible identification of the suspect by a member of the public.
Like so many of the pickle-headed liberal policies, this actually produces the OPPOSITE effect than that intended, as readers are therefore inclined to infer that the perp is black in ALL these cases, which is in fact not the case.
Yes 9:40 it would. Unless you mean that you have already assumed the race of the offender.
Which exactly makes my point.
My point is it doesn't actually do much without a photo.
Congratulations, you have narrowed the suspect pool down from millions to hundreds of thousands. Is that really something worth whining about every time it comes up?
Wait for it...NY Post and Daily News to blame this on DiBlasio, as if he directly engineered it.
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