Via the EVG inbox...
This Sunday Sept. 14, 12:30 p.m.: Salsa-Off!
Think you've got the best salsa recipe in the East Village? Enter the Tompkins Square Greenmarket Salsa-Off. Customers are the judges, winner gets a prize! Email the market manager, Kathleen here to participate.
What is the prize?
Uh... Ok.
My salsa is the best without a doubt, but I NYC Postcard Club meets Sunday and that comes first. If I can shill for a moment, if you want to look for those old postcards of Cooper Union in dollar boxes, come to our monthly club meeting Midtown Holiday Inn
440 West 57th Street @10 am. Sunday 9/14...the first time is usually free heh heh
Prize is a bag of groceries from the Tompkins Square market (and all the glory)!
-Kathleen Crosby (market manager)
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