Friday, September 12, 2014

Sidewalk tattoo

EVG reader Uncle Pete sends this photo along from East 10th Street and First Avenue… where a traveling tattoo artist tapped into the lamp post to run the tattoo gun...


  1. i think looking at this picture just gave me hepatitis.

    thank god the cold weather is coming and the crusties will be gone.

  2. So there are some of the travelers. I hardly saw any of them around Tompkins this summer and wondered if even they were over the East Village.

  3. At least they're busy and not screaming and throwing feces when I walk by.

  4. I think the peolpe who complain about the way everything is here now should join up with the crusties. Then they could talk all the time about how everything sucks everywhere.

  5. On the one hand: super-gross. On the other hand: smart people are investing in firms that are developing cutting-edge tattoo removal technologies. Tattoo regret is the future, folks, and fortunes will be made.

  6. the east village marauders! Never disappoint. Silly rabbit tricks are for kids!

  7. My grandparents used to tell me I'd regret my tattoos. 30+ years later it hasn't happened.

  8. 5:09, that was funny, i was thinking along the same lines. "I'll have an angry pirate tattoo with a side order of Hep B please."

  9. At least they're not tattooing their dogs.

  10. Oh leave them alone and go back to your regularly scheduled dull lives.

  11. I regret every tattoo I see, can't wait until the weather gets colder when legs, chest, arms and hopefully necks are covered. If you consider them art then you are open to critique.

    1. Self righteous, self appointed, judge of all. Douchebag. Kind of like if we followed your sad ass around and judged you hairstyles and clothing. Just as wrong as racism. Get a life. These dirtbags are as wrong as you, but for different reasons.

  12. Yes, you sound just like a qualified art critic lol. At least when the cold weather comes, you'll be holed up until Spring with the other animals.

  13. 1920 called. It wants it's opinions on tattoos back.

  14. Does anyone still think tattoos are cool, fashionable and improve your appearance?

  15. i want one that says:

    I ❤️ Hepatitis

    Die Hipster Scum💋

  16. Did every cranky person in the world recently discover the comment section of Grieve????? STFU already.

  17. anon 11:37 - sounds more like you just discovered the comments section.

  18. I think the pic is great, who knows the tattoo artists story? The mean commentators should be careful about judging. And they are not bugging anyone , so live and let live.

  19. What people do with their own skin is none of your business and has no impact on your quality of life whatsoever. Get back to your TV Land marathon.

  20. Mr. Poo 💩 says:
    No Tattoo 🚫 For You

  21. I saw these same people, plus a few more, hanging out in front of an open store on Avenue C this morning. "Open" meaning open for business. I've never seen that before.

  22. I went to their pop up piercing shop last week and got a Prince Albert. Yesterday, my junk fell off!

  23. Hey 12:15! You're killin me!! LMFAO

  24. These are some of the Crusties as in Crusty Bums. A nasty lot and not necessarily peaceful at all. I know an easy going east villager who had his face rearranged for looking the wrong way at one of them.

  25. how did they plug in? every time I look inside one of those things I can't find the plug, just the wires......

  26. @Anon. 12:15 - ha ha haaa!

  27. If you dont like crustpunks go home, they were there first. Unless you are an entitled invader/ruiner

  28. les native (which I doubt), The crusties were most certainly not here first. They're relatively new. Come to think of it, they appeared around the same time as the luxury condos. Hmmm.

  29. Where are the animal rights people? Guess its easier to protest fun wearers than rescue dogs and cats from these people. Better get those animals now before they head to their winter destination. These types of crusties are relatively new. They showed up when the ev became safer and whiter. They aren't going to the Bronx or big chunks of Brooklyn. Too hardcore for them.

  30. they need to put one of those those outlets in the base of every tree in tompkins sq park so the crusties can get charged at home

  31. If bros and Brigid were the ones doing this, the EV of today would just laugh it off and say how cute and awesome they are for being so quirky.

    1. Ev grieve sold out bigtime, but props for letting me have a contrary opinion. Shout outs to all the trolls protecting the protected class!

  32. This post is sponsored by Dove.

  33. People can do what they want with their skin but a sidewalk tattoo shop is a little too close to the edge for me. The problem is that all though the tattoo is yours, the Hep B you develop has the potential to be mine if we ever come in contact, even second-hand contact.Also, for y'all who are always bitching about how we need to support local businesses, this is taking business away from the artist who rents a shop, pays their taxes and observes health and sanitary requirements (like not working off a skanky sidewalk).

  34. ROFL Do you REALLY think any sane person is going to sit down and let this guy mangle their skin??? Seriously?! Oy...

  35. Hey im just giving the honest opinion of a kid who grew up here born to working people, who cant stay because of a financial oppression happening, and if you dont want to be seen as part of that, why shit on these people when the ones causing the real suffering in this city are so protected? Seems like an easy cheap shot


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