[Photo by Scuba Diva]
$250 fine for motorist accused of deliberately striking cyclist on Avenue B and East 13th Street (StreetsBlog)
Building issues at 544 E. 13th St. (The Villager)
AAA Ichiban Sushi latest Ben Shaoul-related closure on Orchard Street (BoweryBoogie)
"Eightiesville," nine minutes of 1980s NYC (Flaming Pablum)
8 p.m. at Lucy's (Eater)
Safety improvements for Delancey and Pitt (The Lo-Down)
Hell yes! INDUSTRIAL TERROR series at the Anthology through Halloween (Anthology Film Archives)
Checking out the various birds of NYC (Gog in NYC)
The old New York of the Oak Room (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
... and there's a rummage sale tomorrow at the Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish on East Ninth Street and Avenue B... all proceeds go to the church's soup kitchen and pantry...

great photo by scuba diva!!!
I love Milon! (I'm sure Panna II is just as good.)
The lights are so festive!
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