[Photo from June via Facebook]
The following news release is via the EVG inbox from Wednesday evening...
The Siempre Verde Garden – located at 181 Stanton Street and 137 Attorney in the Lower East Side – is threatened by new residential luxury development proposed by a city agency, HPD.
The issue is coming before the Community Board 3 Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 6:30 pm. We are calling on community members to join us there to make their voices heard. A petition can be signed here.
Siempre Verde Garden was created by the community in the 1980s. In the summer of 2012, a diverse group of volunteers began transforming two rubble-strewn city-owned lots into an oasis where neighbors, children, plants, trees, birds and bees congregate. New foliage, plants and raised garden beds were put in. With the support of Greenthumb and the unanimous support of Community Board 3, Siempre Verde was given a license by November.
Since then, pounds of tomatoes, greens, herbs and other vegetables have been harvested and shared with neighbors. The garden has held over 70 community workshops and events including worm composting, children’s story time, art,
music & yoga workshops. Green space for residents is sorely lacking in the garden’s vicinity and the garden is home to some of the only trees in the immediate area.
The luxury development is backed by the Gottleib Bender family who own an adjoining lot bought for $5,000 in the 1970s. Since their lot has no street access and is too small for any development, they are proposing to add the garden’s small two city-owned lots to their parcel.
Even the combined lot would remove light and air from nearby tenements with limited income residents. Siempre Verde is calling for all those who support the garden to go to the CB3 meeting to show their opposition to more luxury housing being built in a community with very little green space. The meeting will be held at University Settlement, at 184 Eldridge St (between Rivington nd Delancey Streets) on Oct. 14 at 6:30 pm.
For more information about Siempre Verde Garden:
Here's more on the story via The Lo-Down ... and BoweryBoogie.
so many 2 legged parasites
#savesvg to tweet that CB3 and local politicians should prevent HPD from selling these tiny city Greenthunb lots to the Gottleib family for luxury development. Siempre Verde Garden is asking support to become permanent by being transferred to City Parks. CB3 Meeting 6:30 Tues. Oct 28th, 166 Essex Street.
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