Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Yaffa mural returns to view

EVG reader bayou happened by 97 St. Mark's Place this morning to see that workers have removed the Google ad that had been covering the Yaffa mural the past three-plus weeks...

Just in time for the restaurant to be permanently closed.

EVG reader Allen Semanco also shared photos...

... and he notes that workers are touching up the mural...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A Google ad now covers the iconic Yaffa Cafe mural on St. Mark's Place

Yaffa Cafe will be back, though likely without its backyard garden

Yaffa Cafe is officially gone; back garden dismantled

More about Yaffa Cafe closing


  1. Can this be the last Yaffa post in a while? I'm Yaffa'd out.

  2. The Yunnies are really going to miss that Google billboard, from what I understand it was one of their favorites. Who is going to remind them to Google tahini now?

  3. What a difference it makes to see the mural instead of that disgusting ad! It's a beautiful mural and it's nice to see that they're touching it up but that's likely a billboard employee touching up what the billboard nicked as per protocol.

    It does give me hope that the mural will be staying, even if they blacken out the Yaffa part!

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenOctober 7, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    Squashed sesame seeds.


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