Friday, October 17, 2014

Trees to grow on East 12th Street (and elsewhere)

You've likely seen crews digging up chunks of the sidewalk around some side streets in recent weeks… this morning, EVG reader Greg Masters spotted these workers on East 12th Street just west of Avenue A… they're prepping the plots (which maybe look like fresh graves?) for two new trees along here…

It's all apparently part of the Department of Parks & Recreation's Street Tree Planting program.

This is fine and all, but it is taking up valuable sidewalk space for more docking stations or _______________________.


  1. Great! The more trees, the better. The city needs its green.

    - East Villager

  2. It would be really nice if they removed the dead ones (post sandy) and did some much needed pruning of others first tend your existing garden before planting a new one.

  3. It's a City requirement put upon the developer of 427 East 12th Street, the new boutique condo building that went up right where the trees are being planted.

  4. I don't think it has anything to do with the condo. They were digging up spots for trees all up and down neighboring streets.

  5. The NY Tree Trust (an arm of the Parks Dept.) got matching funds from the CB3 Con Ed Setttlement Fund for accelerated tree planting in the vicinity of the 14th Street plant. This is the second phase. The proposals that got funded are on the CB3 website. The Settlement Fund is also funding the special tree pits on East 14th Street between B and C, which needed to be insulated and raised to keep the steam pipes in the street from killing the trees.


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