Crews were out last night (and early this morning) putting down new asphalt on East Houston … from Norfolk to Orchard … EVG readers Gacin and Jonathan shared these photos from the blessed event that is just one part of the ongoing East Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction that began in 1891…

BoweryBoogie asked a good question: What’s the over/under on when the jackhammers appear to tear up the road anew?
Actually this began in 1857 but paused for the Civil War and Reconstruction. Boss Tweed was adamant about this project being completed under budget.
The whole project has been a disgrace - at least this is a true sign that the end must be near.
I was told be a construction worker that the section between Avenue A and 1st Avenue would be completed by the end of 2014. The section from 1st to the Bowery, however, was going to take a bit longer. How much longer he didn't say.
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