Saturday, November 8, 2014

Straight to 'Hell'

In case you have 82 minutes to space… here's "NY77: The Coolest Year in Hell," a 2007 documentary directed by Henry Corra that originally aired on VH1 … an EVG reader shared it, so we're passing it along…


New York City, 1977 - It was a time when the city had fallen into decay, with too few jobs, money, police, schools, and social services. There was a city wide blackout with major looting, a serial killer on the loose, and the Bronx was burning. And yet out of the chaos emerged one of the most creative times any city has ever encountered.

The documentary uses groundbreaking animation to help tell the story, and features interviews with those who lived it, including Ed Koch, Geraldo Rivera, Jimmy Breslin, Gloria Gaynor, Afrika Bambaataa, Chris Stein (Blondie), Richard Hell, KRS-One, Grandmaster Caz, DJ Disco Wiz, Legs McNeil, Annie Sprinkle, Al Goldstein, Tommy Ramone, Jellybean Benitez, Lee Quinones, and many more.

NY77 THE COOLEST YEAR IN HELL Documentary from guranjeslitice on Vimeo.


  1. "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx is Burning!"

  2. THanks for posting this grieeeve!

    This roolz!

  3. God, I miss THAT New York!

  4. Love the bit where Grandmaster Caz does his impression of the record slowing down when the power went out.

  5. Wait- what year? Waking up so fucked up today.

  6. "GOD, I miss that New York"? So do I! What are we going to do about it? We'll become Bro-ville if all we do is sit in our flats. Easiest way to stop the Bro spread is for all of us old enough to miss THAT wonderful NY to make a point of going out locally. Converse with everybody around you. Dress like you're fun! Make a point of showing up for small music acts and comics. Take back the damned streets :) (At least spend hours sitting on your front steps at night. That might cut down on the gratuitous shrieking.)

  7. I'll WOOOO to that!


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