Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wishing you a Happy Easter this Thanksgiving season


EVG reader Riian Kant-McCormick writes in noting a 5-foot tall chocolate rabbit in the wild this far from Easter on Eighth Street just east of Broadway.

As always, there's likely a logical explanation for this.

Right you guys?


  1. He's been waitin there since Easter....has discovered that it's STILL next to impossible to get a downtown cab to stop for a brother (rabbit).

  2. It's the Robot Bunny, a/k/a another PR stunt for another product we will never buy.

  3. It's already suspect because there is no bite on its ear or tail.

  4. He's lookin for the loons rabbit & ginna beat the crap out of him

  5. no Christmas tree next to the rabbit?

  6. Logically, we should just eat it.


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