Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bendy thing action at a suddenly taller 185-193 Avenue B

[Photo yesterday by Bobby Williams]

Work has really picked up in recent weeks over at 185-193 Avenue B ... where it looks as if the crew is near the top of the 7-story mixed-used residential building going up at the corner here at East 12th Street.

In total, the building will have 41 dwelling units ... as well as house the Elim Pentecostal Church.

Bendy thing and the workers were still at it last night around 6...

The site has been a source of aggravation for neighbors since demolition started in July 2012... and even before, dating back to the fire that nearly destroyed the building in October 2006.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Inside the Charles

Former landmark countercultural theater now for rent on Avenue B

7-story building in the works to replace former countercultural theater/church on Avenue B

Construction site at 185 Avenue B remains shut down for now

[Updated] The 'insane' noise and pounding are back at 185 Avenue B


  1. Save the bendy thing!

  2. I live across the street. Whatever the deal is with this construction, it's sketchy. Lots of work that seems to go one only at night. Early on in the construction, there was a stop work order that lasted for a few months.

  3. It was still going on last night at 8:30; a cement truck was loudly spinning, spewing clouds of dust into the air, and I walked by very glad I live around the corner and would not have to hear it.

  4. IMHO they're missin' the boat here.
    Did you ever see Elvis' Graceland Christmas-decorated stairway? THAT is what's needed here....wrap that baby with about a half-mile of real pine garland.....load it up with about a 100,000 (LED of course) Christmas lights, pattern-coordinated to an audio-feed of solely EV-sourced Christmas music....add a Christmas-themed laser show....install about 20,000 mixed poinsettias at its base.....and, finally, you would be able to say......

    It's A Bendy-Thing Christmas Miracle!

    But, nooo.....:+(

  5. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 9, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    They need permits for after-hours work and they need to be posted for people to see on the job site. Call 311 if no permits are posted. Save the complaint number and pass it on to CB3 to track.

  6. I know this contractor. They are legit and have always talk about doing things in the permitted hours of operation. If a process ran late (I.e. a full pour of a concrete slab which involves 40 to 80 cement trucks) , I will almost guarantee that they had prearranged permits for it. For them it is not worth the $5000 to $20,000 fine.

  7. I have to disagree here, I live just around the corner and I hope they can work overnight until 9 to get this nightmare finished the sooner the better.

  8. Hey Anon 12:35 - How much you gettin' paid to do PR for the contractor?


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