The camel is here for the live nativity at St. Brigid-St. Emeric on Avenue B at East Eighth Street.
Per the church's website: "Living Nativity for Children … Show only at 4 pm; Show & Mass at 8 pm."
A quick update!
@evgrieve screenshot of the camel NOT having it going into church @7BHorseshoeBar pic.twitter.com/2iqj3PR89x
— Theo Stockman (@TheStockmanO) December 19, 2014
Man! Last time I saw something like that was at one of those old live peepshow booths on 42nd street.
Is that Lady Gaga?
poor camel
Poor camel indeed.
Sorry, but is a live camel really necessary?
I don't like religion either.
What if a camel shits in a church? Is it excommunicated?
There aren't many acting gigs for camels these days so lucky him or her! Back to the day job next week.
I feel bad for this poor camel. Is it really necessary to drag him into the city and make him stand in a church? What would Jesus say?
Jesus doesn't endorse animal cruelty; doesn't matter if the camel is in or outside the church—it's just not necessary.
Do they also have burros and elephants for this show? Palm trees?
I don't think God made camels for cold North American cities where they would play a bit role in a church festivity. I don't like it. It's cute though. But it is not amusing.
God didn't make 50+ working dogs to spend 8-10 hours a day alone in a cramped NYC apartment either. Why not spend a little time on your high horses railing about that.
"Palm trees?"
Yes Scuba, there are always palm trees, but they are artificial.
Joe Camel
Joe Camel
[look it up]
He was a very very nice and tolerant and friendly camel. There was also a donkey and this weird ox/cow/humpback thing from India. Was pretty cool and great for the kids. The owners of the camel gave it lots of love. It grew up in a petting zoo so it's used to the kids touches and what not.
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