[Photo via IBM]
Been meaning to relay this bit of news from The Real Deal last week:
Tudor Investment Corporation, a $13 billion hedge fund led by Robin Hood Foundation co-chairman Paul Tudor Jones II, is coming to Edward Minskoff's 51 Astor Place.
The hedge funders are taking the entire 11th floor.
By the title I was afraid the hedge fund was my previous employer. I'm pretty relieved it's not! I'd be mortified to run into former coworkers on my way to my favorite art supplies store!
This is depressing. Please stay in the financial district. Not here.
There goes the neighborhood.
They are renting one floor. It's not that dramatic.
Paul Tudor Jones is one of the most charitable and generous people in the world. Not all hedge fund people are evil!
He's a he'll of a trader, I'll give him that.
Robin Hood is able to put 100% of their individual donations right into their programming because their board pays for admin and overhead. So, some money here is going to a good cause.
Tell it to the marines.
Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investment Corp. and Daniel Loeb of Third Point LLC spent more than $10 million on NY state lobbying and election campaigns in 2014 in order to buy control of State Senate education policy. They want to divert money from public schools to privately-run charter schools, such as Paul Tudor Jones' Excellence Charter School.
I should add that Paul Tudor Jones didn't just spend money lobbying Albany to privatize public education in NY in 2014, his PAC also attacked candidates who supported anti-corruption publicly funded elections. The candidates his PAC supported were Republican State Senate candidates. Tenants' rights activists who were hoping to put the State Senate in Democratic hands in order to strengthen rent laws when they expire this June are now just hoping we can get them renewed.
But nice attempt at whitewashing, anonymous commenters.
Public schools suck, performance is horrible, we have a corrupted teachers union, and no one is really on the verge of fixing anything. So i don't think Paul's donations to promote charter schools are "evil" in any way, no matter how you want to spin it. Your section point, is kind such a stretch I won't even waste my time addressing it.
His charity, the Robin Hood Foundation has given away $1.5B to programs helping impoverished New Yorkers.
No matter how you you want to spin this, the fact, this rich guy is an angel, America would be much better off with more guys like him.
I can taste my vomit! Lower midtown is here and in strength.
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Hahahahaa, 5:32pm, you sound positively adorable all brainwashed and stuff.
“Public schools suck, performance is horrible, we have a corrupted teachers union”
You again. Oh really. I have family and friends who teach and are principals in both the NJ and the NYC public school systems. Finer people, dedicated to their craft, who their students love, you could not find anywhere else. Eva Moskowitz (my former NYC City Council representative-BTW, she was useless), Michelle Rhee, and David Boies don’t really care about education, they are corporate shills, part of the crew who would like to privatize everything, including prisons. That’s working out real well, isn’t it? Follow the money. And again, since you are so anti-union, have the balls to say that the police and fire fighters unions are corrupt as well............. Well, we’re waiting.
Long time donor to Robin Hood here and thus intimately familiar with their work plus Paul Tudor Jones' both within the organization and in terms of his for-profit work. His presence will only class up the joint-- both 51 Astor Place itself and the larger neighborhood which it sounds like some of you on this thread and others here and on similar blogs (i.e, Jeremiah's Vanishing) yearn to see returned to its former integrity of burned-out shells and crack dens. What, exactly, I wonder do you who automatically condemn financial success think you have contributed to the neighborhood or the city and which constituencies or organizations have you supported or usefully nurtured?
12:31, it's not that we hate bankers, but we moved here to escape them. (here as in EV) But I guess there is no hiding from them in NY. It was nice to not hear the pushy arrogant whine every time I walked to the bodega before the invasion. And get a grip, our community is very involved in charitable organizations. Actual labor is just as important as the checks written for tax write offs.
We are getting a little off track, my only point was to prove Paul Tudor Jones is not an evil person, and I think it's a shame for people to try and demonize him.
Everyone wants to blame hedge fund managers for all the problems in America, but there is a huge difference between a banker and hedge fund manager. it baffles me when people condem them, and you will NEVER hear a valid argument from an educated person that places blame on them for the financial crisis or any other evil deeds. They are easy scapegoats, but in reality, when it comes to giving away money and charity, the hedge fund community has stepped up in a huge way. Do some due dilligence on this...
From 12:31 "What ... do you who automatically condemn financial success think you have contributed to the neighborhood or the city and which constituencies or organizations have you supported or usefully nurtured?"
Oh shut up. Us longtime EV types ARE the very neighborhood itself that has SO much value that all of your banker/developer types are desperate to steal it out from under us. This neighborhood IS US and all WE have contributed and you will learn that when we've all finally been forced out and you are left with your banker-filled shell after the authentic has moved on. The banker types are here because they're eager to leave their realm - you know why? Because it's full of banker types. What they want is to be around us and pretend they belong to what we have created. We are the value.
reading your statement has made us all a little dumber. Thanks
Merry Christmas and welcome to the nabe. I've been here 20+ years and appreciate what you have done to increase choice and opportunity in public schools. Remember charter schools are public schools.
From a four year EV resident / family man / financier / school teacher:
This is the best news site and forum I have found in a long time. Thank you to everyone who contributes. You make it great in the same way you make this neighborhood great in your own ways. Special thanks to EV Grieve.
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