Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reader report: Ray's Candy Store hit with $200 fine for inadequate doughnut labels

EVG reader Peter Brownscombe relates this story from Ray's Candy Store on Avenue A…

The City of New York recently fined Ray's $200 for not having an adequate ingredients label on a packaged doughnut. Ray has now discontinued this line of packaged doughnuts but still carries a few croissants that do possess the correct labeling.

Good to know that the city is on top of this sort of thing.


  1. As Bloomberg said and DeBlasio continues to do: Let's get the money Wall Street stole from us thru: Mortgage Securitization Fraud, Libor Manipulation, and Stock Market Rigging (HFT) from the working people of the city itself. Buy NEW York bank bonds (the old ones lost their principal, oops!)

  2. Glad to see that the "Broken Windows" policy seems to have crept up the butt of EVERY bureaucrat EVERYWHERE!!!

    We had a fantastic name for these guideline-suckin', pencil-pushin', heartless dickwads back in 'Nam....

    REMF's = Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers

    New Plan = Send A Donut To DiBlasio

    Give 'em Hell Ray!

  3. You used to get mugged by crackheads and thugs. Now you get mugged by the city, the cops and landlords.

  4. Welcome home, Dr. Bop!

  5. “REMF's = Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers”

    That’s a good one. My brother was a Nam era vet, non-combat, he stayed stateside, so I’m sure he was called that as well. He realized how lucky he was (he could type 50 words a minute) so he wasn’t going anywhere out of Fort Dix) so he is heavily involved in Vet issues today. His brother in law was in Nam, combat, died of cancer most likely induced from Agent Orange. While taking cover, he rolled in that shit all the time. You take care DrBOP. And go Ray!

  6. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 10, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    sam_the_man got it 100% right.

  7. Why was Ray hit with the fine? Shouldn't the company that made the donuts and didn't label them properly be fined?

  8. i am with anon at 12:53 - the company is responsible for the labeling.


  9. Please stop by Ray's and buy something even if you don't want or need it to help him pay this ridiculous fine. The $200 fine is probably more than Ray makes there every day.

  10. I posted this story with my comment on my Facebook page and people outside of NYC said they were going to send Ray a donation to help him pay the fine.

  11. Ray shouldn't be selling that crap anyway. His own stuff is much better.

  12. I'm assuming Ray was selling "not for individual sale" items, even if they are individually wrapped. The nutritional information would be on the box that the individually wrapped donuts came in.

  13. Sam the Man - yes - 100% correct. Absolutely criminal and heinous they are.

    I agree w The Honorable John Penley - get there and support. I'm a bit out of range to do it at the moment but when I'm back - I'll go there and drop a 20 for a cup of coffee just to support (and I'm not wealthy to let you all know). Go Ray!!!! Love ya, man.

  14. Ray brings out the best in Everyone. This is the first time anyone has called me "honorable" here. Ray "We love you" now go by and get some Scooby Fries and give Ray a tip.

  15. This fucking city gives tax payer money as subsidies to developers to build "luxury" housing and then tax abatements to developers and to the financial sector (Goldman Sachs pays NOTHING in taxes to the city of New York!!) and then to make up for their shortfalls, or perhaps just to raise revenue wherever they can, they fuck small business owners.

    Ray ought to fight that fucking fine. If a store owner can be fines for this, where does it stop?

    [Sam_the_man is RIGHT ON!!]

  16. This is an outrage! Ray is being harassed and our government is getting away with this kind of shit everyday. Our government needs to be held responsible for their decisions and we the people need to decide how to take our country back. This is our homeland and look at what is happening. Happening not only in this country but all around this planet. It's time we make a stand. Unify our nation. Or we can sit around on Facebook all day playing games and figuring out the coolest emojis while the government passes laws to continue bringing this country down,down,down so far.


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