[Photo from Jan. 1, 2014 by Ted Roeder via]
The Poetry Project's annual marathon reading is set to start Thursday at 2 p.m. at the St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery.
Some 140 writers, musicians, dancers and artists will be involved this year.
Here is a list of who is expected to take part:
Adam Fitzgerald, Adeena Karasick, Alan Felsenthal, Alan Gilbert, Alex Cuff, Ali Power, Alli Warren, Andrew Durbin, Anne Waldman w/ Fast Speaking Music, Anselm Berrigan, Ariel Goldberg, Arlo Quint, Avram Fefer, Beth Gill, Bill Kushner, Billy Cancel, Bob Rosenthal, Brandon Brown, Brendan Lorber, Bruce Andrews & Sally Silvers, CAConrad, Callers, Charity Coleman, Charles Bernstein, Christine Kelly, Cliff Fyman, Cori Kresge, Dan Owen, Danniel Schoonebeek, David Berrigan, David Henderson, David Vogen, Dia Felix, Diana Rickard, Don Yorty, Dorothy Friedman August, Dorthea Lasky, Douglas Rothchild, E. Tracy Grinnell, Ed Friedman, Edgar Oliver, Edmund Berrigan, Eileen Myles, Elinor Nauen, Elizabeth Willis, Erica Hunt & Marty Ehrlich, erica kaufman & Matt Longabucco & Nicole Eisenman, Ernie Brooks, Peter Zummo & Bill Ruyle with Walter Baker & Billy Fica, Evan Kennedy, Farnoosh Fathi, Filip Marinovich, Foamola, Georgia Faust, Gina Myers, Grey Vild, Ian Spencer Bell, Janet Hamill & Lost Ceilings, Jason Hwang, JD Samson, Jennifer Bartlett, Jess Fiorini, Jim Behrle, Joanna Koetze, Joel Lewis, John Coletti, John Giorno, John Kruth, John Priest, John S. Hall, Jonas Mekas, Joseph Keckler, Karen Weiser, Karinne Keithley Syers, Katy Bohinc, Katy Lederer, Kiely Sweatt, Kim Rosenfield, Kristin Prevallet, Laura Henriksen, Lee Ann Brown, Lenny Kaye, luciana achugar, Marcella Durand, Maria Acconci, Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Martha King, Maryam Parhizkar, Matthew Shipp, Mel Elberg, Michael Veal, Mike DeCapite, Miriam Atkin, Monica de la Torre, Morgan Parker, Morgan Vo, Nat Otting, Nick Hallett, Nicole Peyrafitte, Nicole Wallace, Niv Acosta, Norman MacAfee, Patricia Spears Jones, Penny Arcade, Peter Bogart Johnson, Philip Glass, Pierre Joris, R. Erica Doyle, Rachel Levitsky & Susan Bee, Rachel Tractenburg, Ray Brown, Rob Fitterman, Samita Sinha, Sara Jane Stoner, Simon Pettet, Simone White, Siobhan Burke, Steve Dalachinsky, Steve Earle, Steven Taylor, Tammy Faye Starlite with Steve Earle, Ted Dodson, Thom Donovan, Thomas Sayer Ellis & James Brandon Lewis, Todd Colby, Tom Savage, Tommy Pico, Tony Towle, Tonya Foster, Tracey McTague, Ursula Eagly, Vito Acconci, Will Edmiston, Xena Semjonova, Yoshiko Chuma, Yuko Otomo, Yvonne Meier and others TBA.
You can buy advance tickets for $20 each here. All proceeds benefit the continued existence of the Poetry Project.
A couple of thoughts:
Wow! John Giorno is still alive?!
Where is the ubiquitous Bob Holman?
Bob's too busy counting the cash he makes from renting the BPC to Duane Park. So much for poetry on New Years Eve at BPC - here is what's on tap:
Duane Park salutes the onset of 2015 with it's tribute to Inspiration, a celebration of the first nude film to rock the boat. Join us on New Years Eve with the most scantily clad crew in town as we shake and shimmy off the burdens of 2014 and enter in the new year of 2015. Our Master of Ceremonies Michael Cunio (Broadway: Jersey Boys, PBS: Under the Street Lamp) will sound the alarm on his voice rocking the sounds of Adele, Pink Floyd, Maxwell and Rihanna with his band of boys behind him, the Cunos.
Executive Chef Richard Overholt is planning a New Year's Menu to match the sensations your eyes and ears will surrender to with a delicious three course meal to delight your sense of taste and smell. With the finest selections of land and sea, the menu will taste just as gorgeous as what you see.
The Model
6:30pm Seating
$115 per person
plus tax, tip and beverage
The Muse
10:00pm Seating
$250 per person
plus tax, tip and beverage
Thanks. It must be fun.
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