Sunday, January 11, 2015

Abandoned Citi Bike of the day

Spotted near Stuyvesant Cove Park by Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C, who noted the bike "looked like it had been dipped in the sewer."


  1. Why do you promote criminal behavior?

  2. How is posting a picture of a grotty bike on this site promoting "criminal behavior"? Do you think everyone who sees it is suddenly going to run out, find heretofore unknown piles of sewage and compost loitering for the taking, and smear them over the first Citibike we see? Go hang out at the Romper Room blog if this one disturbs you so much.

  3. It's the long-rumored Banksy Bike'o'Bile......worth trillions, I hear.

  4. Romper Room has a blog? Thats creepy.

  5. Citibikes promote criminal behavior: the criminal behavior of CitiBank during the 2008 financial meltdown that saw millions lose their homes or portfolios to assuage Wall Street's greed.

    To divert the public's attention away from this crime, CitiBank's Ed Skyler approached DOT as a sponsor.
    What deflects the public's attention away from criminal behavior than a pretty young thing pedaling down the road in one of CitiBank's moving advertisements?

  6. i now have an urge to run out and dunk the nearest free citibike into a sewer!

    and then maybe i will cite citibikes for providing an attractive nuisance.


  7. Do Citibikes mulch well?

  8. +1 anon at 11:24!!!



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