[Back in October]
Back in October, EVG regular Jose Garcia told us about the arrival of a jet ski on East Fifth Street near Avenue C... which became a seemingly permanent fixture on the street.
In recent days Jose tells us that the jet ski got some company.

Per Jose:
"And [the owners] seriously and tenderly move them both as a group effort to accommodate alternate side of the street parking ... all I think about is what a marvelous time they are anticipating on the water once the weather turns. I find it fascinating and adorable."
How long before they are stolen?
How many vehicles are people allowed to park on public property? What is to stop a business from parking used cars on our streets? These things should be put somewhere else.
Ha ha. Funny to see that when walking down the street.
But the first poster may be right. The boat's probably safe, at least from being stolen (not vandalized though), but the jetski's another story. Manhattan Mini it, guys!
Where does one stash a no-doubt stolen jet ski and boat? Lawless East 5th Street of course.
Yeah... I gotta say... It's a free country and all that - but that's a slippery slope. Wait a daggone minute; if it's ok to park anything on wheels with a license plate on the street I'm going to seriously consider a houseboat on a trailer. Much cheaper than my current rent and I can move it around to get a different view every month. Count me in!!! If only Savoia had had a big enough trailer...
Leave my boat alone! Anyone know where I can park my yacht?
I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.
Eden Bee...you can park it on the lower deck...just make sure you don't block the landing deck of the helicopter.
@ Walter- Ha ha!
The lower deck has been dounle decked. People can be so cruel.
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