Monday, January 12, 2015

Report: Someone stole the money for Walter Kühr's funeral

Walter Kühr, the owner of the Main Squeeze Accordion shop on Essex Street, died on Jan. 2 after fighting lymphoma for seven years.

Now WABC reports tonight that someone stole $650 from Kühr's shop that is closing this week on Essex Street.

WABC quotes Kühr's friend Marianne DeMarco, who has been selling what's left of The Main Squeeze at 19 Essex St.


"The whole goal wasn't to make buckets of money. Though we could certainly use buckets of money," DeMarco said.

And when an older man with a moustache walked in, they gave him Walter's tool chest for free, and a slice of cake.

"He went back there, took his cake, but also took about $650," DeMarco said.

The $650 was money to pay for Walter's funeral.

"He must have really needed it to do something really cruel to people who were really nice to him," DeMarco said.

Kühr was 57.

[Photo by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis for The Lo-Down]


  1. Do they need donations? I'm broke but I can drop off 10 bucks tomorrow.

  2. what an unexpectedly depressing story.

  3. Actually, I can also donate something; I'll try and stop by tomorrow to see if they're taking donations.

  4. There are still many scumbags left in the EV. Let me know where to contribute 20 bucks...but please, keep an eye on the donations.

  5. As cynical, jaded and curmudgeonly as I am, it turns out there are still things out there that shock me. This is one of those things. How low to you have to be?


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