[Photo last year by Walter Wlodarczyk]
Funny thing happened on the way to the 16th annual Mr. Lower East Side Pageant — it's moving to the Lucky 13 Saloon in Gowanus.
Here's more from the Pageant's creator, Rev. Jen, on Facebook:
Sadly, the infamous Mr. Lower East Side Pageant, which was originally scheduled for January 31st at Cake Shop was cancelled at the last minute due to the "fun police" and fear of penile exposure. So in a bizarre turn of events it's moving to Brooklyn! This is OK, given the Lower East Side is a state of mind and frankly, the Lower East Side can suck it, as all creative activity has been exiled from the neighborhood due to greedy landlords. (Landlords recently almost exiled me from the LES in housing court!) I'm pretty sure that someday, the Mr. Lower East Side Pageant will be held in New Jersey.
You can find more details and the rest of Rev. Jen's announcement on the Facebook event page.
H/T The Lo-Down!
Have fun, guys.
woo woo in Hipsterville.
Used to be the Nazis, then Communists, now everything gets blamed on Landlords. And why not? They are a minority.
anonymous 2:40pm
the 1 percent are also a minority
if landlords are a minority they still have most of the money
Anonymous at 2:40 PM said...
Used to be the Nazis, then Communists, now everything gets blamed on Landlords. And why not? They are a minority.
"First they came for the Nazis, but I was not a Nazi so I said nothing. Then they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing…"
blue glass said…
if landlords are a minority they still have most of the money
All the better to blame them!
To be fair; Brooklyn is technically both much more East - and lower (further away from uptown) - than the LES. A+ for thinking on - and voting with - your feet.
They might as well have the New York Giants and the New York Jets play in New Jersey. Oh, wait...
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