[From June 2014]
The colorful FroYo joint opened for business last June.
And while Funkiberry continues to dispense the FroYo and breakfast items like waffles, the corner space here at 88 Third Ave. and East 12th Street is for lease.
Per a listing at Loop Net:
Corner space with brand new build out. Previously was vented for cooking
Approximately 800 RSF with an approximately 800 SF basement
Lease until November 2023
Rent: $21,321.00 per month
We rarely see anyone inside Funkiberry, who close each day at 1 p.m.
In any event, the FroYo Death march continues.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Stuff that you can't make up: More FroYo for the East Village
Ghost signage uncovered on Third Avenue and East 12th Street
DOUBLE ghost signage discovered at 88 3rd Ave.
Hey, the Funkiberry sign is up on 3rd Avenue
Hey, Funkiberry is now open on 3rd Avenue
No surprise here. When the corporate Pink Berry can't make the EV work for them how could a cheap knock off be a success? I think this will stay empty for a year at least.
When will these landlords learn that retail rents are so damn high that almost every kind of business they put in their stores will quickly fail?
Answer: never.
bwaaaa hahaha.
now bring back New Amici or better yet bring back Viva.
I like their sign. It's kind of like the Davey's Ice Cream sign.
Yes, viva la Viva!
I live right there and there's NEVER anyone inside...maybe because the yogurt has 5000 grams of sugar (slight exaggeration) and 200 calories an ounce (ok, I can't stop myself).
This place, even in the environment of today's EV looked out of place. Not surprised its tanking.
Can we stop playing games and get back to the old East Village now?
F*ck the landlords.
$21,321 per month for 800 sq/ft is approximately $320 a year per square foot. That is insane!
One evening, while waiting for a flick to start at the multiplex, my son and I went in there. I tried a couple of spoons of the stuff he chose. I couldn't tell the difference between the flavors and all of it seemed to taste like soap without the alkali sensation. I thought it was nasty.
$21k huh? I'd rather buy a Prius.
We need start a landlord shaming website that keeps track of the rent history of these places. People won't be so quick to rent these spaces when the numbers show their business will fail within a year.
Porn shop. That would be the best use. Bring smut shops back to the EV. Buddy booths make a lot more than 230/yr per sq foot. LOL
I meant more than $320 a year per sq ft. Sorry
Maybe Brian Williams could take over. He has lots of time on his hands and this place would give him real stories.
You fly high, you rule the scene for awhile then...this. So sad. Like Edie Sedgewick.
Stupid ass landlord. Enjoy another six months of vacancy in that unit
While I am usually one to say that rents are worth whatever the market will bear, this rent is insane for an unattractive, small space on an unattractive corner. $700 per day is an awfully large nut to cover before even paying utilities, employees, insurance, and the cost of renovation and equipment. This place is un-rentable
Not surprising... I went in there once and it just wasn't anything special, although they've made it look as good as it could be. The sweet shop across the street only has a little bit of traffic and they're in an actual NYU dorm.
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