Thursday, February 5, 2015

The 4th annual Poetic License starts tonight at the Wild Project

The Poetic Theater festival starts tonight at the Wild Project at 195 E. Third St. between Avenue A and Avenue B... here's a quick overview via the EVG inbox...

Now in its fourth year, Poetic License is Poetic Theater Productions’ annual festival of new poetic theater, which has grown from five days to three weeks, features two fully realized mainstage productions of thrilling new poetic plays written by company members, a reading series of six new works of poetic theater, and three special events: Love Redefined, an evening of new work devoted to non-traditional love; Breaking Our Silence, a celebration of LGBT voices; and Generation Now, a showcase of youth voices in poetic theater.

POETIC LICENSE 2015: subconscious kicks off tonight and runs through Sunday, Feb. 22. Performances are at the Wild Project. Tickets to each event are $18; the 6@6 Reading Series is free. Tickets can be purchased from OvationTix on 212.352.3101 or online at

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