[Last weekend]
Last weekend, the soon-to-be-demolished Mobil station on Avenue C and East Houston became a splendid and scenic cafe for two…
Now, in recent days… giant blocks of Styrofoam® have been carefully placed at the scene (along with some discarded furniture) …

What might next week bring?
So much more useful than a gas station.
The late, lamented ET from the late, lamented Mystery Lot? Oh, if only!
The East Village has enough lightweight artificial toxic plastic material floating around already. We call them Bros.
"The East Village has enough lightweight artificial toxic plastic material floating around already. We call them Bros."
That's a keeper.
From the EV Dig.....those are the sarcophagi of the Three Wiseasses (Vinnie, Meat and Twinkles).....and their mean Doberman, Wak.....ruled the Avenues in the 40s/50s.
Bahhh......better left in the ground!
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