You have until the end of next month to visit Lan Cafe, the cozy Vietnamese vegan restaurant at 342 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.
An EVG reader and Lan regular first told us about the coming closure at the end of April. A Nguyen family member confirmed it for us. The lease is up, and well — you know the rest. (Also, despite the posted 2 p.m. time during the week, Lan doesn't open until 5 p.m.)
And the list of recent East Village restaurant closings continue… as Lan joins Mitali East … Ginger … Pukk … Puebla Mexican Food … Benny's to go … Mercadito…
In happier local restaurant news, there is a new Vietnamese restaurant on 6th st. between A and B (where Gladiators Gym used to be years ago). I had a banh mi and it was pretty good, but they also have a much fuller menu than most Vietnamese sandwich shops in the neighborhood, including pho, which I'm looking forward to trying. I forget the name of the new place and they don't have menus printed yet.
This really sucks. In the past 5 years, nearly every vegetarian restaurant in the East Village has closed. What's left, other than Angelika?
Too bad that they're are closing.
The new Vietnamese restaurant on 6th near A is quite good.
Hey EVG, why don't you post a pic and give it a boost?
I will post something on the new place on 6th Street
Also, don't forget to patronize the other Asian restaurant on that block, Purple Ginger. Every time I go in there either to eat in or to get carry out, I'm the only one in the place. I think they do a good delivery business, though. The lunch special is a very good deal.
For local vegetarian options:
- Souen is mostly vegetarian
- Dirty Candy (too expensive for me, though)
- Caravan of Dreams
- Beyond Sushi
- JivamukTea Cafe (never tried it)
- of course, Angelica
- Organic Avenue
- Quintessence (raw food)
- East Villager
Isn't there a new Vietnamese place on St. Mark's Place also?
Also, Sao Mai on 1st Ave is excellent and prices are good.
- East Villager
"they're are"
getting arrested for practicing English w/out a license.
I get delivery from Purple Ginger on a pretty regular basis. Love it.
oh no no no this is not ok. only place I've had Buddhist veg Vietnamese like in actual Vietnam e.g. Hue. sigh
Me very sad.
Good thing I know how to cook.
This is so upsetting. This place is unique. The atmosphere is simple and relaxing, the food is always delicious, and the people who cook and serve it are so sweet. I will miss you, Lan.
You stupid, stupid landlords.
This just in: American Red Cross has stated they could use the following items: Donations should be sent to GOLES 169 Ave. B office since it is uncertain if the Tompkins Square Library will remain the resource center.
toothpaste toothbrush
lightly used jackets and scarves and hats and underwear
shoes for kids
To the 3 women eating a meal at the big round table next to me at Lan yesterday around 5:45: A $3 TIP? One dollar EACH?? You dodged a bullet. If I had known that before you left, I would have shamed you loudly. CHEAP. That nice man deserves better than your cheap asses.
Wow, everyone's jumping on the shaming bandwagon these days. I just wonder how we can distinguish this from regular crazy behaviour?
Oh. Was that you trying to shame me then? Right.
I'm so saddened by this.
Where else can I find good vegetarian pho? V-Nam Cafe is pretty good, but heavy, and suspiciously too heavy (I've asked about the broth and they've reassured me it's veggie but still) and Sao Mai's version is a bit weak.
Organic Grill
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