That is apparently officially it for Matty's at 25 Avenue B.
Last week, we noticed a rent-due notice on the gate for the sum of $38,326.77 (just for January) here between East Second Street and East Third Street.
And now, there is a mass of eviction papers... noting that the landlord is in possession of the space, etc.

Matty's, run by some folks who had a bar called Matty's on the Drive in Wilton Manors, Fla., took over the Idle Hands space... opening on Dec. 12. They didn't get around to painting the new sign until Jan. 17. And by Feb. 17, the landlord served them rent-due notices. We haven't seen them open since the end of January.
We're trying to remember a bar that came and went so quickly in the neighborhood... opening and closing in under two months. Can you think of a place that closed in less time than this?
Previously on EV Grieve:
A bar called Matty's in the works for Idle Hands on Avenue B
Matty's makes it official on Avenue B
Who are these moron business owners that sign a lease for almost $40k per month on Ave. B?!? Did they not do any basic financial analysis to see how much product they would need to sell just to pay for the rent alone? Then don't they know about things like payroll, electricity, insurance, licensing, etc. I say if a landlord can find a sucker like this, the more power to him/her, because this moron probably plopped down at least two months rent in a security deposit, which is now the landlord's. So $76k for finding someone with no business sense, sounds good to me!
My prayers would be answered if Croxley Ails would fall under the same fate.
So what's next for this space? Can a bar just not be sucessful here?
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