The plight of Sugar, the Amstaff/pit bull mix that went missing this past Monday, has attracted the attention of David Lee, a former Knicks star who is now with the Golden State Warriors.
Yesterday, Lee offered to double the reward for Sugar to $10,000. Lee posted this on his Instagram:

And here is an update this morning from the Find Sugar Facebook page:
We appreciate your support so much, here are a few updates on our efforts:
We are using Pets Detectives. The police are aware, on the lookout, and even have several retired NYPD officers who have volunteered their time to help us. We are procuring/reviewing any surveillance video we can get our hands on. We are checking every imaginable place, and speaking with every imaginable delivery guy, doorman, courier, street vendor, taxi driver, etc… in NYC. Thank you so much for your suggestions.
Sugar's owner, Morgan Bogle, is an East Village resident who was away on business at the time of the disappearance. Bogle told Bedford + Bowery on Wednesday that her dog-sitter of three years was "found with PCP dust on him and in him and taken by the police to Bellevue Hospital psych ward where he’s being held incoherent and not allowed any visitors."
Thank you to all who have contributed, passed out, printed, posted and gave suggestions to #FindSugarNYC campaign. 💛 pic.twitter.com/x51evVKS1c
— FindSugarNYC (@FindSugarNYC) March 1, 2015
There's also now a "FindSugarNYC" billboard on 26th Street and Seventh Avenue.
Previously on EV Grieve:
More about Sugar, the missing pit bull mix with a $5k reward (55 comments)
PCPs? People still take that kind of poison? Well that explains the dog walker's erratic behavior. (Maybe it's time to change the name of angel dust to devil dust, since nothing good ever seems to happen when people take this poison.)
What I don't understand is if the dog was last seen on 26th St, which is near several housing projects (including Phipps on 26th St. and Strauss Houses on 28th St. which has several drug running gangs who also happen to like pit bulls) why aren't they centering the search there? Find the dealer and maybe you will find the dog.
guess that answers the question of whether or not he was on drugs ...
I'm going to make an observation here that probably won't be very popular. let me start with: i love dogs. i love animals more than people, actually. i was horrified by this story and hope all lost dogs and their owners are reunited.
But it seems like the dogs of rich people are worth more. The owners were able to put together a 5K reward. Great, good for them. Now another rich person comes in and doubles it.
What about someone elses poor lost dog, with a sign made on notebook paper, and without a reward which can't be afforded to offer?
Something rubs me the wrong way here.
That said, still absolutely hoping Sugar is found immediately.
Yes, yes, ain't it a cryin' shame-- rich people can afford better apartments, clothes, restaurants, and bigger rewards for their lost dogs. Let us protest the cosmic injustice of it.
@ 1:20 raises a fair point, but Sugar's story gets attention because it has the elements of a drama. Young, wealthy, and beautiful owners help, but the plight attracts people, media, and money. Her owners are pretty savvy, at least as far as leveraging social media. Beth Ostrosky? Chrissy Tiegen? David Lee? Message wise, that's heavy firepower. Come home safely, Sugar!
Sugar's parents aren't rich, they are just well-connected young people who happen to have a lot of friends in the fashion and entertainment industries who have a lot of followers on social media. This is not your normal "dog ran away from home" story either. It's got a mystery behind it that attracts a lot of attention. And the fact that Sugar was a rescue dog and her mom has rescued several other pits and is such an advocate for animals. I think all of these elements, and that fact that it's so cold out and thinking of this poor innocent animal out there in the cold is just extra heartbreaking. It really has spread like wild fire because of everyone else who has jumped on the bandwagon, and the money for the $5K reward was not being put up by the dog's owners, there is a crowdrise fundraising page set up to raise that money, which is being collected across the country from people who hear about this story.That being said, it is a shame that all missing animals don't get this kind of attention :(
This is an extremely odd story that has garnered a lot of media attention because of that. Sugar's parents are artists and in the fashion industry, that's why they have all these connections, not because they are rich.
@12:48 - everyone is aware that this case is extreme. but the scenario in which sugar went missing is also extreme. i know her owners and they are just as shocked as you are at the outpouring of love and support they have received. everyone is just doing their best to find sugar. it's a shame that other animals don't get the same amount of attention, but these people are not "rich" and just happen to have amazing friends who have gone above and beyond to spread the word about sugar's disappearance. i think it says more about their character and how special sugar was to those who know her. it's pretty offensive that you try to make them feel guilty for their efforts in finding her just because they know people who have the resources to do so.
I always post info on lost dogs, whether the owner is rich or poor. What sets this story apart, is the fact that the trusted dog sitter proved not to be trustworthy. It is every pet owners nightmare.
One way to possibly locate Sugar:
Hire someone with a bloodhound who could find Sugar with nothing more than something with Sugar's scent on it.
I ran across a cool long gone show from the early part of last decade called "Dogs With Jobs" (thank you Netflix :), more specifically an episode segment about a woman who is hired to find lost pets with her bloodhound, and she found pets.
You never know. Sugar could be closer to home than you think and a bloodhound's nose almost never lies. It's worth a shot.
This is bizarre.
"Sugar's owner... told Bedford + Bowery on Wednesday that her dog-sitter of three years was "found with PCP dust on him and in him and taken by the police to Bellevue Hospital psych ward where he’s being held incoherent and not allowed any visitors."
Where was the dog sitter found? Is there a police record of his being taken to Bellevue? I just can't believe this story is completely true other than a dog is not where it should be. There seems to be a lot of hear say in this.
I'm not what you'd call rich, but if I needed to come up with $5,000 in reward money, I could do it.
For starters, I hope Sugar is reunited with Morgan soon. Awful story.
Now I don't understand media coverage of this at all. The owner was interviewed by the Post, DNAinfo, NBC, ABC, Fox and more. And she ONLY mentioned the PCP theory to an NYU journalist at Bedford + Bowery? Why didn't this important fact come out elsewhere? (No disrespect to the NYU people — if anything, this shows they are better reporters than others in the MSM. Or maybe it was off the record?).
Weird, weird story.
JJ - The dogwalker/PCP/NYU journalist doesn't prove anything about anyone. Just relax and stop with the wild speculation to prove some ridiculous point and further some agenda. DNAinfo as some widely known/read mainstream media outlet - that's rich!
how is it wild speculation when it's coming from the mouths of sugar's owners who are the only ones who came into contact with the dog walker and his doctors during this whole scenario? it's not just on bedford + bowery that the drugs have been mentioned, it is all over their social media too. i really really really don't understand why people are protecting the dog walker. whether it was drugs or a mental breakdown or something else, he still lost an animal he was responsible for. people who may use his services in the future deserve to know his track record. if someone can post a yelp review on a restaurant saying the food was bad, i should think someone who loses a beloved doggie should be documented somewhere!
I want nothing more than a lost dog to be reunited, but it's kind of annoying how THIS particular dog is EVERYWHERE in every media, yet other people who have a lost dog are never heard of. What the fuck makes this dog more special than every other dog? It's annoying. A bunch of fake smiles and fake personalities banded together.
You know what? So what if Sugar's owners have millions? Because they have resources they shouldn't be able to use them?
This country is seriously getting ridiculous with the constant crying because some people have 'more' than others.
I will continue to help them bring Sugar home the same way I would help anyone else to my ability.
Wow. Trolls will be trolls. Dog missing. Me sad. 'Nuff said. Weird that - on an island with multiple millions on it - a dog, any dog - rich or poor, could remain loose for this long. Going to guess that she's now somebody else's pet and has been driven off the island. Me still sad. I hope Sugar's mom can either be reunited or one day find another pup to love. She's as dedicated as I am to my furry children. Xxxooo.
First of all, Sugar's owners DO NOT have millions. All of the reward money has been donated by others.
@9:26am - Sugar is everywhere because her owners are smart and using every resource they have to find the thing they care most about in life. I'm sorry this makes you angry. They have organized hundreds of volunteers every day since she went missing to put flyers all over the city, share her story on social media, and call news outlets. I'd say they're doing a pretty damn good job.
@ Anon 9:26 - Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Do you think there is some judge out there who decides which lost pets get more attention? Haha. The reason this dog is everywhere is because her humans and their friends are spending every waking minute plastering the city with her image. They are just putting in more effort than most people when they lose a pet, it's not their fault - this should be an inspiration to anyone who loses a pet in the future!
Dogs of "rich people" are not worth more. I'm far from rich but I have friends who work in print, web, television, public relations, etc. who would help me and it appears Sugar's owner may too.
I'm getting sick of the idiotic commentary surrounding Sugar. For some of us, our dogs are our kids and not an accessory. I would do ANYTHING in my power to find my dog should something awful like this happen. That's what we do. And Sugar's owner shouldn't have to go on the defensive because some people can't fathom having a large group of diverse friends and / or business associates.
There are lost children that don't get half as much attention and community effort. Just saying.
First and foremost, I truly hope that all of the efforts that so many are putting forward pay off by finding Sugar. This must be torture for her parents.
Next, let's address the dog walker who everyone has been so quick to scrutinize and accuse of being on drugs or on a drug bender and a whole host of other lies. I received confirmation that there were no drugs involved-at all. There were no drugs found at the apartment and no drugs showed up in the blood tests at the hospital. It doesn't matter to me who believes that. It also doesn't matter what the source was. I truly hope that the dog owner did NOT tell Bedford + Bowery this to sensationalize the story to get more attention because that was not true at all and no doctor or police officer told her that. I hope someone simply misquoted her. No doctor would have told her this anyway-she is not a family member, so whoever made the claim that she was "in touch with the doctors" and this is how she learned it, should read up on medical privacy policies. This person had a mental breakdown BECAUSE of the missing dog that he loved so very much. I just hope that they can find out who took this dog, which caused so much heartache for both the owner and the dog's care giver. Someone really needs to pay for this crime. I am also praying for the recovery of the dog walker who is hospitalized. I don't know how you get over something like this, when you love the animal you care for like he does.
well then maybe their parents need to make more of an effort. "just saying."
it all comes down to how much work sugar's owners are putting into this, which is obviously a lot. and it's working.
all you haters need to take your negative attitude and jump into the icy waters of the east river.
@12:27 Since you seem to be a very kind and compassionate person, perhaps you can use your comment trolling time more efficiently and go find those kids?
This reminds me of the story of Kathy Fiscus, during the early hours.
Well while all of you bicker about who is rich and who isn't, this poor dog is still lost, plus we have a distraught couple and a guy in the hospital. Plenty of suffering all around.
Meanwhile I am thinking that microchipping should work in reverse, like an animal tracking device. Doggie Lo-Jack. Get a rich person on that!
They already did. Tile
Finally some logic, common sense and perspective in this hysterical story filled with hear say, assumptions and accusations. Thank you.
Anon 12:35
How do you know that no drugs were found or the reason for the breakdown. Are you a family member of the walker? You said walker had a breakdown after he lost the dog . So he was lucid when the dog disappeared? If so, why are the circumstances of the disappearance unknown - because the breakdown messed up his memory regarding what happened earlier?
I have been closely following the social media accounts of Sugar's owners and both of them have stated that there were drugs involved. They have also stated that the dog walker is not cooperating and that he has legal representation. They could be sued if they release his name. He will not answer questions or allow his phone to be searched for any possible clues. What a POS.
If he is this non-drug addict hero to animals that some of the people commenting here and on other EVG posts about Sugar are saying, why would he be impeding this investigation? Sounds like he is just trying to cover his tracks.
This dog is gone because the owner was irresponsible and left him/her in the "care" of the wrong individual. Nothing will change that. What next? A Find Sugar reality show?
Fortunately, we don't live in England and the owners can say the name of the walker if they choose and not fear (successful) civil retribution, unless they lie about him, of course.
Plenty here does not add up, at all.
The police might have had grounds to arrest for, at the least, DC, & gotten access to cell. His movements for Mon am can be traced with cell tower data even if he was not using his phone. Surveillance cameras captured his movements & video is archived downtown. Private security video cameras are also in the immediate area but usually not preserved unless requested ASAP. If anyone loses a dog, it's important to ask area store owners & building supers to save video ASAP because evidently state of the art police surveillance video that can track your wherabouts for days is only used for limited purposes that don't include missing dogs. Sigh.
Re fear of a lawsuit against walker if his name is released - on what grounds would such a suit be based? Don't see it. If that were my dog, fear of a lawsuit would be the last thing on my mind if I thought releasing name could help. More likely, they were hoping walker would cooperate & didn't want to antagonize so they withheld it. Just speculating...
When I first heard drugs allegedly might have been involved I thought that he sold or killed the dog. Then when I read that No drugs were involved and he went manic bc he lost the dog, then I thought "he killed her". The story does not make sense. At all. It makes me sick to my stomach that someone can be so irresponsible and fucked up (allegedly)
Wow! Who cares about "being rich" or not. This beautiful dog needs to be reunited with her owners who truly love and care for her.
Re electronics to track your dog, there are real systems available that do this, and not that tile app that punches out a bluetooth signal with no gps info, largely useless. The real systems are collar mounted and send gps data to a telephone satellite which then relays the gps info down to the associted receiver which the owner has. They are used mostly by more rural owners whose dogs run free, and may on occasion take off and need to be found. I learned about these when I was hiking in Harriman and came across a woman hiking with her dogs, one of which was so equipped. She explained that this dog, a Lab, was prone to scenting and chasing deer, and would go for miles on such chases, so she needed the system to track him down when he went on such larks. Think it cost about a grand.
NYPD is now involved. You can read on this updated facebook post about it and why they are not allowed to release names:
I don't think the cops would get involved if there wasn't some sort of crime committed, so the dog walker is clearly not an angel.
sugar's collar and leash and coat were all in the dog walker's apt so even if she had one of these devices on her collar it wouldn't have helped.
To the Anonymous person (March 2 @ 7:54pm) who said that Sugar's owners are irresponsible for leaving her in the care of the wrong individual and that this is the reason for her disappearance - how dare you!
This dog walker was a trusted individual who had been responsible for Sugar and other pets for years, how on Earth do you expect them to know that something like this could happen? At this point no one knows the exact details of what happened, and it is wildly offensive to suggest that this is in any way her owner's fault.
I think it's awesome that so many people in the community are coming together to help find this sweet animal, and it's really shocking that someone like yourself could have such a bad attitude and be annoyed by someone doing everything in their power to find a loved one. It is inspirational!
The Daily Beast article points at dog walker and drug use as possible motive for selling the dog. The NYPD Animal Cruelty Investigative Unit take on the case:
I am so thankful to read that authorities are now involved! They should have been since day one! I Pray Sugar is found safe and unharmed. We have grown to love her.
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