Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lulu grows up

10th Street and Avenue A this morning. (Because someone will ask: The crib was empty.)

Photo by Steven Hirsch


  1. Does she brunch at Prune?

  2. Ken from Ken's KitchenApril 9, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    Not necessarily grown up. She might have gotten thrown out of the apartment. Screamy toddlers.

  3. City Lulu Attacked By Rats

  4. Lulu cut herself on shards of glass two weeks after the explosion and returned home to the womb. Lawsuit pending.

  5. Lulu's parents could not afford the rent - the rent is too damn high!

  6. City Rats Attacked By Lulu

  7. Lulu has only grown-up physically; she has now moved to Brooklyn where she can be a baby forever.


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