Sunday, April 12, 2015

Report: Serial robber suspect busted

The man who police say robbed six East Village and Gramercy Park businesses has been arrested.

Kenneth Nottage, 47, was arrested and charged with four counts of robbery, per CBS New York.

Following his capture, the NYPD connected him with several other robberies in the city.

A total of $3,500 was taken in 11 heists, the Post reported.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Cops say this guy has robbed 6 local businesses in the past week


  1. He doesn't look 47. Maybe one and half that?

  2. SCR Gang--Sr. Citizen Robbery.

  3. 2:36, it looks like a hard 47 (perhaps rife with drug or alcohol use).

  4. Can’t wait to see the “Nick Nolte” type mug shot.


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