Friday, April 10, 2015

St. Mark's Place really has your e-cigarette needs covered

[Photo from Feb. 19]

St. Marks Convenience Inc. closed back in February … and workers stripped the little storefront on St. Mark's Place between Third Avenue and Second Avenue to the walls.

Yesterday, the sign went up for the new business … seemingly now the 345th place on the block selling e-cigarettes…

The place is selling other convenient store staples too. Like Cheetohs. We definitely saw some Cheetohs.


  1. I wonder how safe those chemical solutions people are now smoking are

  2. nygrump,

    If only there were studies recently published on that very question. And if only there was some type of website that could be used to search for answers to such questions.

  3. Desperate characters, those people with e-cigarette "needs."

  4. True story, as I was reading this post, a commercial for RJ Reynolds vape cigarettes was running on my television. Creepy.


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