Thursday, May 7, 2015

About last night

A reader-submitted Urban Etiquette Sign spotted along Avenue A...


  1. I wouldn't recommend calling 911 for this issue. 911 is for emergencies. But go downstairs next time, take a photo of her, see what apartment she goes into and call your landlord. Also, tell her and the tenant of the apartment to cut the shit.

  2. Avenue A ResidentMay 7, 2015 at 11:53 AM

    Not all 911 calls are "emergencies." While not exactly murder, it's technically a crime for someone to ring your buzzer for 15 minutes at 2am over and over. It's a trespass.

    We've all had a random buzz once or twice - no biggie. Holding and pressing it for 15 minutes is tantamount to pulling a fire alarm.

  3. 911? They're too busy for that! I wouldn't bother going downstairs to confront the girl or the neighbor either. Who has time for this foolishness? Even if I WERE to answer my buzzer (which I do not) I would just tell her to fuck off and that she's buzzing the wrong number.

    These signs are so weak and lame.

  4. Submit a complaint to 311. I've had success with them controlling awful neighbors - especially when when you submit videos.

  5. 311 is the most stupid and wasteful government crookeaucracy ever. If I were mayor for a day, I'd shut it and save the taxpayers a bunch of moolah.

  6. See - this is where a pot of water dumped out the window used to be so effective. Quietly lift the screen, discretely dump the pot, and then quietly close the screen again. In the winter, no. But in the summer heat a cool shot of water could be just the thing to get a drunkie's mind right. Hell, in the hot hot weather you can throw the water right through the screen - no need to exert yourself. Works great on cats fucking in the alleyway too. But alas, in this age of constant surveillance it's probably best not to risk it. Good memories as we enter the warm season. A happy and safe summer everybody!

  7. 311 is wasteful, but it is also the place that a lot of illegal construction complaints get lodged. Without it, a lot of crimes would go unreported and even less then the minimal amount of action that's already taken place would not have taken place. I'm sure every property owner and construction company in the city hates it, which is exactly the reason to keep it.

  8. Here's an idea:

    Get a big spray bottle from some dollar store and fill it with piss. Next time she rings all the buzzers because she thinks this is an NYU dorm (and she owns the city), go downstairs and spray her with piss mist.

  9. If you want you can mix a little flour or sugar in with the water

  10. LOL @ the moment the water hits the drunkardess.


  11. Dear Neighbors,

    Pardon me if I move slowly in the hallway. I have a stick up my ass.

  12. Piss in a super soaker. Problem solved.

  13. Piss seems extreme... but likely effective. I'd be worried about any possible blowback from the 5-0.

  14. When this happens in my building, I get up, calmly press "talk" on the intercom and yell "WHO THE FUCK IS BUZZING MY FUCKING BUZZER AT FUCKING 4AM!!!!" as loud as I can. If they try to talk, I repeat my booming demand. It causes an uncomfortable scene at the front door where they are and most go away. If yours doesn't, I totally vote for piss mist!

  15. Does this happen every night, a few times per week or once in a while? My advice next time get your ass out of bed, put on a robe or don't put on a robe and greet the visitor face to face.

  16. I thought this sort of nonsense ended with the mobile phone--who even uses door buzzers anymore? If she can't call her boyfriend/neighbor, or she can but he doesn't let her in himself, then douse her!

  17. Um, we use our door buzzer all the time.... As do most people who have lived here longer than six months.

    (We get many annoying late-night buzzes "I'm locked out," etc. The worst.)

  18. Sorry the solution is to find out what apt and call landlord?

    What can the landlord possibly do in such a situation? Advise the tenant that their lease will not be renewed because they have a girlfriend who rings neighbor's apts in the middle of the night? ROFL Yeah, like any housing court judge would ok that. Well thank you for that chuckle.

  19. Yep. Agree with commentator - bucket of water worked wonders in such situations. So tempting to use back in the day,
    tried and true methods for dealing with loud usu. intoxicated people on the street.

  20. I really appreciate all the tips ive gotten here.


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