As of about 2:20 p.m., the group was on Second Avenue just below East 23rd Street… the march ends in Tompkins Square Park around 3…
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Here's the website with details about the global march.
Updated 2:49 a.m.
The march has reached St. Mark's Place…

Photos via EVG reader Steven
Updated 9:37 p.m.

Bottom 3 photos via Bobby Williams
Ohhh, I was wondering why all the cops on 2nd / 1st / Ave A.
I don't understand this - how is such a march, apparently nowhere near any legislative building nor headquarters of Monsanto itself, supposed to "stop" Monsanto or the GMO foods trend? It's cool that people get to dress-up in funny costumes and carry obscenity-bearing signs, but how is that and the aforementioned supposed to send a defiant shockwave through the boardroom of Monsanto and the chambers of Congress?
Anon 9:25 am. All good questions. Who organized this noise parade anyway? It may be in a good cause but EV is no way near a GMO/Monsanto corporate haven.
Amen. Fuck Monsanto. People need to know what is going on.
Who will stand up nyc
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