Via the EVG inbox…
Hey, thought this would be a great time to remind our transient college folks that it is not cool to destroy nature. Disgusting.
According to the reader, the above tree on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B was vandalized last evening by "a pack of drunken college kids … walking between bars and deciding to rip the branches off."
Meanwhile, in other tree news, a reader noted a downed tree on First Avenue near East Fifth Street yesterday…

… someone had removed it by this morning…

The reader was unaware why the tree came down, pointing out that someone unsuccessfully tried to prop it up with a stone…
And, if you'd like some closure, the tree is now around the corner on East Fifth Street…

I live on 12th street and if I had witnessed this assault on this tree I would have called the police without hesitation. Please call the cops when you see dumb vandalism going down.
ReplyDeleteThe second tree was clearly dead.
ReplyDeleteThis is so depressing. I have a tree in front of my building, and I worry about the drunken college kids attacking it. They are always hanging off them and trying to swing around them.
ReplyDeleteA super from the block was the witness and he said the group initially was kicking garbage cans. So he yelled, "yo!". One of the group said, "sorry". Then they proceeded toward Ave B and attacked the tree , in front of the playground. Keeping in PC mode, I will refrain from mentioning race. But they were wearing khaki pants and collar shirts.
ReplyDeleteNice job, parents of these temporary residents. On a brighter note, a few 12th street raised millennials were composting and contributing to the care of the streets tree pits this weekend.
It is time for someone to find out wherever the hell Podunk, USA is located and to once and for all burn it to the ground.
ReplyDeleteWhen are my EV neighbors gonna grow some and either confront, or at least report these young pricks to the NYPD? None of this is taken seriously unless you place the complaints and requests in the right places. 311 will help and you can request the forestry division to replant. We are here longer. We are far smarter. And we give a shit about community. How can we continue to let them step all over us? I have made the complaints effective by being tenacious, keeping a good record, and then going to the Community Board with it. Report to the cabaret unit of the 9th Pct if you see these asses stumbling out of a particular establishment having been over served. You can prevent the re-licensing of offending establishments. Do it!
ReplyDeleteThese NYU students deserve to have their drunken, academically second rate asses kicked.
ReplyDelete@Bobby, you don't think we try? But no matter our efforts, we are systematically ignored by the powers that be, because we don't have access to the massive amounts of money developers and landlords do. Money talks, while earnest entreaties, pleas to reason, petitions, street protests and every other form of activism we take walks. The politicians act like we don't exist because we don't give them campaign contributions. Our police department stops answering their phones after a certain time at night. Despite our raising our voices, we are pretty much powerless in New York now. Don't get me wrong,I won't give up trying, but for you to accuse us of being inactive wimps is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteYep. I have one little Paulownia tomentosa on my front patio. The kind with the giant elephant ear leaves... Last July some little fucktards opened my gate and snapped the trunk at the ground. I gave them a real New York moment - chasing them down 9th cussing like I was going to kill them. Fortunately you can't kill a paulownia... That little trooper is growing like a weed this year.
ReplyDelete"Powers that be" are not preventing people from intervening on the destruction of a tree. In general people are more comfortable complaining after the fact on Fscebook than they are STOPPING something like this from happening. When did New Yorkers lose their balls?!
ReplyDeleteNew Yorker's lost their balls, toasted on flouride, mass drugging in effect. It was the plan and it worked.
ReplyDeleteI would have been arrested for assault if I saw this happening.
ReplyDeleteBobby, I can't tell you how many times I have contacted 311 and the cabaret squad about the patrons at the 12th Street bar Doublewide stumbling about out front making all kinds of noise and nothing ever happens. The cops either don't come or they do come and there is no ticket, no nothing. There is only so much we can do. My hope is this place will quiet down for the summer with the NYU twits gone.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the main reasons I am leaving the East Village. I've lived here almost two years and am a young professional. I have respected the historic and cultural feel of the east village. I have befriended local store owners, neighbors on my block, and again, really tried to respect the neighborhood for what it is. I always felt guilty for being a part of the transformation of a neighborhood (a transformation, in my opinion, that is a negative one). The college kids and other young professionals are driving this neighborhood to the ground. And all I can do is apologize to those who have spent many years here. I will be leaving this neighborhood next week, as I just can't take the young rich A-holes that have moved in and destroyed the neighborhood. I can't believe how much this hood has changed in two short years, I can't imagine how you all that have lived here forever must feel.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. I hope you guys get your neighborhood back.
@2:50 PM Start a YouTube or Vimeo channel of the shit going down at Doublewide and share it wide. You'd be surprised how quickly it will come to an end.
ReplyDeleteI don't think picking on a single bar is the answer. Maybe look closer at the new landlords creating a "dorm" atmosphere in a beloved neighborhood. Then look at the boomer parents that created such entitled brats. I say we ban the Grateful Dead at all nursing homes. And take their patchouli oil too.
ReplyDelete3:02- you a very sweet, probably raised in a cool place , like Maine, or Vermont. I am sorry to see you leave because I do believe there are cool kids coming here, help us make the gross ones leave!
ReplyDeleteWhen people have no intentions of putting down roots in a neighborhood but instead as this act of vandalism illustrates, leaving the roots and killing the living part. A neighborhood cannot not survive as anything more than a temporary place with revolving door tenants and businesses. Mono-cultures are dead cultures.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is if you called the 9th precinct about a tree being vandalized they wouldn't hesitate to laugh right at you and hang up after pretending that they will send a car at some point in the next 24 hours. That is if you can ever get someone to answer the phone. Or try waiting on hold for 311 for 30 minutes, you think the tree vandals would wait for the cops to never come?
ReplyDelete@5:03 Not from a place like the ones you mentioned at all, actually! I am from South Florida. My hope is that in a few years these kids will find a new place to ruin and I can come back to the neighborhood. I doubt it, but one can dream!
ReplyDelete"Pull Up The Roots". It's a song by Talking Heads.