[EVG file photo]
The Stage, currently embroiled in a legal battle with landlord Icon Realty, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to help the diner reopen.
A quick recap: Icon Realty has accused the Stage of illegally siphoning gas, which was the basis for a recent eviction notice in the aftermath of the deadly blast across from the diner at 128 Second Ave. between St. Mark's Place and East Seventh Street.
Roman Diakun, the owner of the 35-year-old diner, has previously denied any wrongdoing.
Now Roman's son Andrew Diakun has started the campaign. Per YouCaring: "In order to clear the restaurant's name, and help us reopen, we have initiated a lawsuit against the landlord. If you can and you are willing to help, we ask you to donate so that we can attempt to sort things out, open up and return to our livelihood again."
In our last post on the Stage, several readers asked if there was a crowdfunding campaign. Here is the link to the site. Stage is hoping to raise $10,000. They are up to nearly $4,000 now in the campaign that began on Wednesday.
The Stage has been closed since March 30.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The possibility that the Stage won't reopen on 2nd Avenue
City serves stop work order on Icon Realty-owned building for installing gas pipe without permit across from deadly 2nd Avenue blast zone (48 comments)
Petition to help reopen the Stage
Tenants at 128 2nd Ave. file suit against Icon Realty in housing court
Troubling talk about 128 Second Ave, and the long-term future of the Stage
[Updated] Report: Icon Realty serves the Stage an eviction notice
Stage owner Roman Diakun responds to allegations of illegally siphoning gas
Petition to help reopen the Stage
[Updated] The Stage is giving away its bulk food and supplies to charity
Report: The Stage is suing landlord Icon Realty to halt eviction process
The Leshko family gave $1,000.00 to Roman's fundraiser. Another great place I still miss, decades after it closed, run by deeply decent, caring people. Thanks to all who have already donated or who will donate; gonna go back and throw some money towards the total.
Made my donation and posted to FB so my friends can chip in. Roman and staff don't deserve to get screwed this way, and the LES needs desperately to hang on to a bit of the character it's maintained since the turn of the last century.
I know things are changing, but there's no reason that we should stand for slimy landlords like ICON pushing out our beloved businesses.
I think we should wait for the evidence to be presented before deciding who is guilty or innocent. Tampering with gas lines is a dangerous practice, as we all now know.
I'm not interested in evidence. Money talks bullshit walks. I'm taking Roman and his family at their word, and I want my fucking breakfast.
@2:40. That's crazy talk! A landlord is involved. Who even cares about guilt or innocence, or potentially putting lives at risk. We can smear a landlord!
I am in support of Roman!
@2:40pm: Do you work for Icon? Because Icon does NOT deserve the benefit of doubt, IMO, given their proven history of slimy dealings in various buildings they own.
ICON doesn't need to be smeared by any outside source. They'll do it themselves.
They need to get a big firm to rep them pro bono.
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