Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Growing up so quickly above Avenue A

EVG reader Bill Massey shared these photos of Christo and Dora's offspring growing up so quickly on the Frigidaire AC at the Ageloff Towers …

Goggla had an update yesterday on the hawklets here on Avenue A and East Third Street:

I'm a bit worried about the next couple of weeks as the baby hawks are so big and clumsy, and the nest is so small. When they flap their wings, they stumble around and it's unnerving to see them doing that so close to the edge. But, they are birds and this is what they do...

Check out her photos and narrative here. And check out how crowded the nest is via the Avenue A Hawk Cam.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)

Look at the 3-week-old hawklets high above Avenue A


  1. > the Avenue A Hawk Cam.

    All I see is a black screen - is the feed down?

  2. Anon. 12:51, that's all I saw, too, so you probably surmised correctly.

  3. Also having issues with the webcam. Gog is awesome and Two Hawks has nice shots and can be funny.


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