[EVG photo from May 8]
Bar Akuda, the sports bar-restaurant at 16 First Ave. between East First Street and East Second Street, opened on May 21.
Perhaps ownership decided to rethink the name, which sounds like a Heart song.
An EVG reader notes this morning that the Bar Akuda is sign is gone... and there's a banner noting a more dignified-sounding name — The Grayson...

There isn't any mention of a name change on the bar's Facebook page... here is the latest entry...

classy facebook post, you know cause matrimony is the lamest shit eva!
I guess 'The 14th Step' was already taken
Ha. So the name/logo went from frat-tastic to typical, douchey, of the moment wannabe. They can't win!
And they deserve not to win!
Is there seriously a fucking "menu structure" outside? What is this, Six Flags?
Maybe they hired the same bar consultant as the one that other bar few blocks up hired because their patrons could not pronounce the previous bar's name properly, because too many syllables, and then change it to a two-syllable homonym of the new name of that other bar and basically just change two letters of that other bar's new name, because marketing (I'm in the wrong business) and copywriting (literally copy and writing).
Also, since this bar will probably be attracting the same clienteles as the ones that reside in that broluxe rental building in broville, aka Murray Hill, that has the same name of the new name of this sports bar-"restaurant". Fitting, indeed.
Actually, matrimony is pretty lame. My quibble is that it should be "Spouse ---->"
Barakuda & Grayson
11:15 is trying to say that Lunasa became The Grafton.
Grafton, Grayson, let's call the whole bender off!
I love the drinks at The Jefferson, I mean The Avalon, I mean The Nathaniel... oh I give up.
11:15 is grumpy as hell. Lunasa...now the grafton...is not a bad bar.
Always helpful when businesses just straight up tell the womenfolk "I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to my brahs."
If that bar that has an unpronounceable name is not so bad, then why change the name? Oh, right, because, as they say it, their patrons are too dumb to pronounce it. Yeah, not bad to garner patrons, loyal or otherwise.
They knew some drunk was going to find a big red letter and change their name to Barfakuda. Now what am I going to do with that big red "F" I bought?
3:17. relax. it's a bar.
Remember when Worldcom change its name to MCI? It was because to escape its improprieties and low consumer credibility, to no avail of course, since it failed in the end anyway. So will these Gra--on bars.
I would have gone with "Tavernacuda".
What's in a name? that which we call a douchebar. By any other name would smell as vomit. So, yeah relax.
The grayson...
Just captures so perfectly the douche that has colonized the east village.
A better name would have been "Shudda Kudda"
It's either an exterior menu kiosk or a floor to ceiling glass facade. Millennials new to the city are terrified to walk into restaurants if they can't be in full control of the experience. A disturbing trait sociopaths also have.
That sign captures not only the bro but the sis.
Let's have some fun:
Out of every 100 of each in NYC how many do you think will 1. get married 2. stay married beyond five years?
Hey Grieve, please let Pinhead know that I found a good place to use my giant red "F" now that Barfakuda has wisely decided to change their very terrible name:
Introducing STARFUCKS.
The Douche
I got dibs on Bar Tisanal.
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