Sunday, June 7, 2015

Puke Island Part 5 is this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park

Bands today will include:

2 p.m. — Universal Truth Machine
2:45 — The Graveyard School
3:30 — Skitzopolis
4:15 — Get Ignorant
5 — Lucifer Jones

Find more details here.


  1. They should organize this through Make Music New York, they'd get a lot more publicity and a lot more people.

  2. Why should they? People have been putting on free live music shows in TSP for decades without help of any kind from any organization long before Make Music New York came around. I didn't know MMNY had cornered the market on outdoor punk shows, thanks.

    These concerts always draw a nice amount of people from being free and I don't think the organizers care (or should care) how many people attend, besides that they draw without MMNY.

  3. Never knew this was going on

  4. 5:48pm they've been going on for decades. I wanna say Squat Or Rot were the first people to do punk shows in the park.

  5. These shows are great as is. Keep the douchebags out.

  6. I thought that was a good show as punk shows in the park go. The one two weeks previous was arguably even better. It's cool to see a little of the old flavor here in the uber-wealthy East Village 2015.


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