The family-run Park Slope vegan restaurant The V-Spot has plans to open an outpost at 16 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.
Until that happens, The V-Spotters started selling empanadas to-go from the storefront this past Friday…

[Images via Facebook]
As for a full-blown vegan restaurant on St. Mark's Place, the family has turned to Kickstarter to help get the business here started. If interested, then you can read about the campaign here.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Organic omnivore, vegetarian or vegan restaurant wanted at 12 St. Mark's Place
The V-Spot coming soon to St. Mark's Place
This is the best the landlord could do? How 'bout a live music venue, a record store, or a book store? People don't go to live music shows, listen to records, or read books anymore? Not in the East Village I guess.
Good luck getting people to buy a 99 cent song from iTunes these days let alone a CD, let alone a record.
I love me some V!
why don't you open a bookstore, record store or live music venue? If its so important to you try to open one of these.
Because it's always easier to assign things to others than do actual work.
It sure is. There are pretty basic reasons why book and record stores are finished. Good luck opening a live music venue too. I'm always reminded how EV Grieve commenters are experts on what should be done with other peoples money. You love to tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Leave your RS apt and do something.
Get thee to support Rainbow Music, on First Ave near St Marks, if you want to support a truly unique music store before it disappears! The owner, Birdman, has said he may have to leave.
On June 8, 2015 at 3:07 PM Anonymous said...
Get thee to support Rainbow Music, on First Ave near St Marks, if you want to support a truly unique music store before it disappears! The owner, Birdman, has said he may have to leave.
Is leaving in September; this is your last chance to take advantage of his amazing collection.
V is for vagawesome!
So instead of a high-five from the owners one gets a shout-out? And no ladies to stand-by their boys? Yet, another "start-up" exploiting Kickstarter.
I'm starting a crowdfunding to help get my start-up started -- a vegan wings farm -aised in the outskirts of upstate New york in a biscuit hand-made by the Peruvian paqo from the Sacred Maya Stone of the Andes paired by a the latest cocktail concoction, which has ingredients that include rooibus lotus leaf, honeybush eucalyptus, calvados apple, crystallized almond, citrus nutmeg, toasted nougat and aged in Grenache oak barrels and were harvested from the far corners of the world, made by a renowned 7-star Bearded mixologist.
For $1, mixologist will stare in your eyes while he makes a cocktail.
For $10, owners will chest-bump you.
For $100, they will chant lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu. and pray OM saha navavatu and sing nants ingonyama bagithi baba and honor a deity of your choice on your visit to their grand opening.
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