Activity continues this week in and around the lot off Avenue A between East 11th Street and East 12th Street that was formerly home of Mary Help of Christians.

As these photos from EVG reader Greg Masters show, workers this morning are erecting a plywood fence around the site...

... where, in a few short years, there will be a mixed-use building with ground-floor retail and 82 market-rate condos via developer Douglas Steiner.
Previously on EV Grieve:
New residential complex at former Mary Help of Christians lot may include rooftop swimming pool
Meet your new neighbor on Avenue A
Permits filed to demolish Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory
Preservationists call for archeological review of former cemetery at Mary Help of Christians site
The 'senseless shocking self-destruction' of Mary Help of Christians
Deal with this construction is not going to be fun for the businesses on the corner of 12th and A, including Harry and Ida's, and the tenants in those two buildings.
On my way out to work this morning, another batch of entitled, parental funded, NYU Bros moving in. I feel like the "Mike" character, played by Dennis Quaid, in "Breaking Away".
That's a lot of sidewalk space lost
Living on 12th street and having enjoyed the 3 year construction on the corner of B, and the new almost finished 6 story condo on 13th street, the giant think happening on 14th street (A-B) this most likely not stunning and totally out of place building, wait I'm not done, the former post office is yes to be demolished and how can we forget those East + West buildings on 13th street. I pray there is no more to come within these 2 blocks...
At 3:40 PM, Anonymous said:
I pray there is no more to come within these 2 blocks...
Pray all you want; they're coming for your building next.
Well, if you have a construction worker fling fantasy, this is your time. Aside from that, it would be nice if these companies reminded their employee's that they are working in a neighborhood. As in remember that cat calling women and throwing their wrappers from 7-11 lunch is not ok. And leave room for walkers that the elderly use and strollers that the very young use.
I hope Poppy's and Harry and Ida come up with lunch specials and cash in on work that is happening, like it or not.
**fun tip- when parents cosigning on the dormaments are within earshot talk about rising crime and gun shots on 12th this year. (last ditch effort, cant hurt)
@Anon. 11:04 - re your fun tip: what an evil way to think.
And I love it.
There's no progress without sidewalk plywood.
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