Saturday, July 4, 2015

Holiday road

St. Mark's Place and Second Avenue yesterday via Derek Berg…


  1. Good lord stripper heels on a motorcycle with no protective clothing???? Obvious biker does not care for her safety not a bit! Pls. help that poor woman. Driver should get a ticket.

  2. Are those Liz Flock and Daniel Maurer®?

  3. It's a chopper, baby.

  4. @11:43 No, this couple is genuinely interesting looking. You see them and imagine who they are, what their stories are, where they're from, etc. I promise you no one looks at Liz & Dick ® and asks these things. Liz & Dick ® are a Bonobos banner ad in human form. #zzz #forgotten

  5. Wakka Flocka Killah is in her native India this weekend, boogie boarding on corpses in the Ganges.

  6. I haven't seen platforms like that since the last time I saw Mott the Hoople in 1974 and Overend Watts was wearing 'em. Bring back glam rock, I say! Also, happy 4th to one and all -


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