Thursday, July 2, 2015

Via Della Pace opening a pizzeria on St. Mark's Place tonight

EVG correspondent Steven notes that the owners of Via Della Pace on East Seventh Street are opening a pizzeria offshoot at 130 St. Mark's Place starting tonight.

We don't have all the details just yet. The space near Avenue A had been home since late 2013 to Falanghina Pizza Bar, which wasn't ever all that crowded.

Updated 7/4

The pizzeria will have its grand opening on Wednesday evening…


  1. Well, if the pizza is as good as what they serve at their place on 7th then this ought to be great.

  2. Great news! I will try it this weekend.

  3. I really liked the pizza at the previous establishment there. I don't know why it wasn't crowded,maybe the drink menu didn't sufficiently cater to the noisy hordes who descend on the block, another reason I liked it and was sorry to see it go.

  4. Are they going to be serving beer and wine like the last place?


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