[Photo by Stacie Joy]
Several readers pointed out that a mural went up on the wall Thursday at Bloom 62, the 81-unit rental building on Avenue B at East Fifth Street.
Here's another view… via @SquareMusings …

Meanwhile… Back in March we reported that landlord Ben Shaoul put Bloom 62 on the market … with an $80 million asking price for the former Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation.
Now, according to The Real Deal, Shaoul "opted not to sell – and instead secured $63 million in recapitalization financing." So Shaoul is here to stay…
Is that Taylor Swift?!
So typical - rather than something friendly, we get an H.R. Giger-esque monster, something as nightmare-inducing as the words "Ben Shaoul has just bought your building". And once again, Ben, thanks for nothing.
artist name is Ludo, for The Lisa Project (thisisludo.com) (thelisaprojectnyc.com)
I guess that really is an "artsy" building. The expression lipstick on a pig comes to mind. Maybe prospective buyers saw some of the rooftop raves videos and decided to pass. With the bid of refinancing cash he will be after more buildings to make "artsy".
Wow. That's really ugly.
I honesly do hope the insect on the side of the building is not as big as the roaches that live inside the building.
I like the mural.
Wow. That's irritating.
Of all the things I'd like to see on an NYC building I can safely say a giant bed bug isn't on the list. And to Gojira's point, it's a Sci-Fi miss.
Maybe once his population ages, Shaoul will turn the building back into a nursing home.
It's pretty arrogant to think people want to look at this thing all the time. Couldn't they have chosen something more friendly?
I think it looks cool. What's the big deal?
Go fuck yourselves... This is better than the original yuppie cake design...
Dude, I don't get it.
As a Sci-Fi lover, I like it. A lot.
Ef Why Ay, Bee Tee Dubs.
Ben, this is ingenious. It'll make any millennial feel cutting edge, and want to move in . . . immediately. How can I get one for our building?
A horrifying roach missile is beyond perfect for this location! We are in the post-ironic age, indeed.
I for one welcome our new insect overlords.
It looks like a sonic butt plug shoved up the ass of pestilence -- sums up Ben shaoul nicely
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