Thursday, August 27, 2015

A refurbished 330 Bowery comes into view

After two-and-a-half years, workers have removed the construction wrap from 330 Bowery (aka 54 Bond St.), the historic circa-1874 building at Bond Street.

Crews have been "rebuilding the parapet wall and restoring existing stairs," per the work permits, among other refinements.

The retail space (the last tenant, Rogan, closed in April 2013) will be the second NYC home to a John Barrett luxury hair salon. It is expected to open this fall.

The landmark cast-iron building once housed the Bouwerie Lane Theater and various banks (and famous residents upstairs, like Lauren Hutton and Pearl Bailey). You can read more history of the building here.

H/T EV reader Mike Brown

Previously on EV Grieve:
330 Bowery wrapped and ready


  1. It's so...white! How long do they think that building is going to stay that white in this city, a month?

    1. Here today. Still beautifully white. Would love to purchase.

  2. Wow, that thing is beautiful.

  3. They should paint the trim a different color, like cerise.

  4. Finally, I can get my hair cut in luxury near my home. These weekly trips to geneva are killing me.

  5. Always admired this building and hope it stays around for another 100 years.

  6. Yay! Finally. So pretty.

  7. In my memory, the building has always been white (last 15 yrs or so).

  8. The facade was in really bad shape. I'm so glad it's been restored - looks beautiful.


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