As we first reported back on June 16, Con Ed shut off gas service to the building at 37 1/2 St. Mark's Place … including retail tenant Dallas BBQ at the corner of Second Avenue. Con Ed reportedly found multiple gas leaks in the building.
Apparently all is well again. The
why isn't B&H back too?
and stage?
Yeah, is the issue the building owner or ConEd?
@blue glass Appaently B&H failed the pressure test, they still have some work to do.
via DNA Info:
EAST VILLAGE — Contrary to a Facebook announcement over the weekend, gas service has not been restored to B&H Dairy Kosher Restaurant, according to a Department of Buildings spokesman.
The 73-year-old restaurant, which was closed after Con Ed shut off its cooking gas about four months ago, said it would soon reopen after passing a DOB gas inspection over the weekend.
“Gas should be turned on early next week and then they [can] stock and get cooking. We will announce an opening date soon — could be as soon as a week,” according to an Aug. 1 post on the restaurant’s Facebook page, which received more than a hundred "Likes" from excited customers.
But B&H Dairy actually failed its gas authorization earlier that day because it could not pass a pressure test designed to check the pipes’ integrity, the DOB spokesman said.
this does NOT have to be a life-long process folks.
these old places just don't have real "political" support and that the landlords are mot behind them doesn't help.
Starting to think the problem with B&H is not just foot-dragging city bureaucracy.
I believe B&H is getting screwed by the city. They posted this on Facebook on July 30
So about that set-back at the hands of the DOB last Tuesday (7/28): Turns out that during the previous inspection, the DOB missed a repair that needed to be made, so when they came Tuesday, they failed B&H.
Apparently they were training a new inspector on the previous visit, who didn't notice the repair in question. Our contractor was at B&H during this last inspection and made the necessary repair within 10 minutes of the DOB leaving. Now we've been asked to wait til Saturday for another "final" inspection, scheduled for 1PM.
Our contractor will be there with his truck, and can make any repair they come up with on the spot – while the DOB is there – so there should be no reason for us not to pass inspection on Saturday.
We are deeply frustrated that our reopening has been delayed due to their carelessness. We've been holding on by a thread. Our loyal staff is suffering dearly financially and emotionally. We appreciate the generous donations from our B&H family to our crowd-funding campaign – without which we would have closed three weeks ago!
B&H is not getting screwed by the city. Passing an inspection should not be difficult. This isn't guesswork -- you set things up the right way and you pass. I'd hate to see B&H close forever, but I'd also hate for them to burn down more buildings due to incompetence/neglect.
anonymous 12:37 - obviously you have no experience with con ed or DOB.
there are not enough inspectors or con ed people. let's not even talk about "incentives".
small contractors and businesses do not have the funds for expeditors or connected architects and engineers. DOB is a universe in and of itself.
anyone that's been around a while knows how corrupt things can get.
and then, of course, the illegal gas hook ups along second avenue and elsewhere did not help at all.
Just curious.... Does anyone who actually lives in the east village go to this place?
Yes, people who live here actually do go to B&H...and Stage... and the other "little places" that we have loved for many collective years.
blue glass, B&H had an inspection and didn't pass. This is not the result of too few inspectors. Even if the DOB and ConEd rules are not easy to navigate, people do it every day. Why not B&H?
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