Work got underway yesterday at 80 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue, where the East Village Cheese Shop will relocate at some point this month... per the signage that arrived on the door yesterday...

The shop's lease at 40 Third Ave. between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street is expiring. Rumor is the Duane Reade on the corner of Third Avenue and East 10th Street will expand into the adjacent storefronts along here.
Updated noon:
Thanks to the various readers/commenters who pointed out the Third Avenue location has closed. The shop hopes to open on Seventh Street in another two weeks.
Warwick and Framus Custom Shop was the previous tenant at 80 E. Seventh St.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Rumors: Duane Reade expansion will take over adjacent storefronts, including East Village Cheese (74 comments)
[Updated] Confirmed: East Village Cheese will be moving to Avenue A later this year
East Village Cheese makes move to 7th Street official
Yay! It's MechaDuaneReade, the monster that swallowed 3rd Avenue!
I have been going to the cheese shop since they first opened. I am very excited that their new location is closer to where I live. Unfortunately, throughout the years the quality has gone down, and the prices have increased. I used to visit the shop at least once a week, now it's maybe once a month if that. This is a great little shop, I hope that they can go back to their original formula - great selection, good quality, and fair price.
anon at 9:37 is correct about their prices going up. You can still find bargains, though, if you look.
I imagine their supply chain has changed - probably what they pay has gone up, too. The owners say they operate on a thin margin: http://bit.ly/1LDGrUW
I bet now their quality improves as well as the prices. The Third Avenue rents probably contributed significantly to the quality and selection decline. Don't give up on them yet.
the Third Ave location is very closed. walked by yesterday and all of their shelves were empty and moved to the middle of the room.
so hopefully the new location opens soon.
Walked by on Sunday, they were already mostly moved out (their lease expired on July 31). Said they hoped to be open on 7th St. in two weeks. Fingers x'd for around the 15th!
Their prices kept going up? So they didn't have a landlord who allowed them to pay the same rent they signed a lease for when they first moved in? Con Ed didn't see how great they were and thus artificially depressed their utility costs to 1980 levels? Their employees weren't willing to work for $1.65 an hour? When prices go up, they go up for everything, folks - including the cheap cheese you used to buy.
I love this cheese shop. Cheese is one of my favorite food groups.
East Village Corner
great place--very pleased they are straying in the EV--their prices are MORE than competitive :)
All this complaining... I have found their quality to be relatively consistent over the past 25 plus years. Just one person's opinion.
1.99 for a wedge of Brie. No complaints here.
Does anyone know if it's reopened yet? I'm hungry!
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