[Last week]
Last week, workers removed the construction wrapping from 330 Bowery (aka 54 Bond St.), the historic circa-1874 building at Bond Street.
On Wednesday, it was time for the sidewalk bridge to go away after a two-and-a-half-year refurbishment...

A John Barrett luxury hair salon is taking over the retail space here at the former Bouwerie Lane Theater.
H/T EVG reader Christina!
Previously on EV Grieve:
330 Bowery wrapped and ready
This is an awesome little building.
Even nicer than last week's picture.
I wish architects would take a good look at this beauty and realize that this is what they should be building, rather than the shit crap they so regularly vomit into the landscape.
MAJESTIC. This ones got eyes, folks. No a big architecture person, but this building? She's a beaut.
The perfect building for luxury hair!
Lots hope it doesn't get the Bowery treatment, add ten floors and turned into a hotel with a rooftop bar.
WOW....that is GORRRRJUSS!
And how do you tell "luxury hair" from the regular kind? Is there a screening process?
This is one of my favorite buildings. Gorgeous.
It's a gorgeous building.
I wonder if Lauren Hutton still has an apartment here.
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