From an EVG reader:
This gentleman greeted people on Avenue A yesterday with a special happy hour show. He was fairly pleased with himself. The show ended with a grand finale where the naked gentleman spread his gluteal muscles for those interested in a closer inspection.

Boxers rule!
Desnudo, East Village style.
not as good as his
Needs more cowbell
Hmmmm...that cabbage tattoo started as a rose.
Is that what happened to my ex boyfriend????
I love that he isn't ashamed of his pregnancy belly!
Jerry! Seems to have lost some weight.
I can smell the booze through my screen!
Reliving a prison moment?
Ahhhhh if he only had boat shoes on and a pink shirt and we could all be outraged! Alas...he has tattoos...
Nice to see hope all the yuppies enjoyed there red wine
Isn't it a bit early for NYU's alumni weekend?
who more deserving of this performance than the frat/yuppie visitors who descend upon the EV every day/night/weekend...
I'll assume you returned 13th Step's mascot as you did the Niagra sign?
Is this the new LES Jewels?
I would pay him to do this in front of the bar across the street from my apartment. Maybe it would scare the NYU crowd away!
The guy in the last photo looks like Rev.Paul Bearer from Sheer Terror LOL.
DAD!!!!!!! Mom's gonna be pissed!
I am down for seeing a naked man, but this man needs to hit the gym. That belly is larger than Santa Claus. Gross!
Naked yoga is so awesome.
First runner-up to Taylor Swift for NYC spokesperson.
What a Bear, what a Stud Muffin OMG .....
yeah all those yuppies at the library. how long have you lived here?
that guy there's the human embodiment of Old New York! and he ain't happy one bit about the endless stream of yuppie spawn clogging up all his old favorite watering holes, bringing their super-pretentious food and drink with them. Old New York just wants a damn Budweiser in a can and a portable radio with 1010 Wins News.. but NO! instead it's overpriced Craft beer, Lambics, Taylor Swift or wimpy prissy boy Whine-Rock everywhere he goes. matter of fact i'm with Old New York! I share in his utter disgust of what this once glorious city has been reduced to by people lacking any semblance of a soul or an original thought in their little over-coddled pea brains. you show them Old New York! moon them good! show em your junk so that they regret the day they ever stepped foot in YOUR city!
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